کتاب های Fabian Zogg (editor)

Griechische Kleinepik. Griechisch - deutsch
Manuel Baumbach (editor), Horst Sitta (editor), Fabian Zogg (editor), 2019
Appendix Vergiliana Lateinisch-deutsch
Fabian Zogg (editor), 2020
(un)documented: Was bleibt vom Dokument in der Edition?
Mira Berghöfer (editor); Anne-Elisabeth Beron (editor); Fabian Etling (editor); Gianna Hedderich (editor); Melanie Stralla (editor); Anne Wilken (editor), 2020
Multislice CT
Fabian Bamberg (editor); Geoffrey D. Rubin (editor); Konstantin Nikolaou (editor); Andrea Laghi (editor), 2019
Handelsgesetzbuch: Band 15 CMR
Stefan Grundmann (editor); Mathias Habersack (editor); Carsten Schäfer (editor); Fabian Reuschle (editor), 2022
Handelsgesetzbuch: Band 15 CMR
Stefan Grundmann (editor); Mathias Habersack (editor); Carsten Schäfer (editor); Fabian Reuschle (editor), 2022
Molecular Imaging in Oncology (Recent Results in Cancer Research (216))
Otmar Schober (editor), Fabian Kiessling (editor), Jürgen Debus (editor), 2020
Las relaciones de China con América Latina y el ferrocarril bioceánico Brasil-Perú
Jorge Caillaux Zazzali (editor); Manuel Ruiz Muller (editor); Fabián Novak (editor), 2016
Tosaka Jun: A Critical Reader
Ken C. Kawashima (editor), Fabian Schafer (editor), Robert Stolz (editor), 2014
Religious Environmental Activism: Emerging Conflicts and Tensions in Earth Stewardship
Jens Köhrsen (editor); Julia Blanc (editor); Fabian Huber (editor), 2022
The Social Structures of Global Academia
Fabian Cannizzo (editor), Nick Osbaldiston (editor), 2019
Tomorrow the Manifold: Essays on Foucault, Anarchy, and the Singularization to Come
Reiner Schürmann, Malte Fabian Rauch (editor), Nicolas Schneider (editor), 2019
Electrode Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion
Mesfin A. Kebede (editor), Fabian I. Ezema (editor), 2021
La política exterior peruana en el siglo XXI : agenda y propuestas
Fabián Novak (editor); (Consultant) Jaime García (editor), 2016
Musical Performance and the Changing City: Post-industrial Contexts in Europe and the United States
Fabian Holt (editor), Carsten Wergin (editor), 2013
Hybrid Public Policy Innovations: Contemporary Policy Beyond Ideology
Mark Fabian (editor), Robert Breunig (editor), 2018
Rechtsfragen des Cloud Computing: Herausforderungen für die unternehmerische Praxis
Fabian Niemann (editor); Jörg-Alexander Paul (editor), 2014
Habermas and Rawls: Disputing the Political
James Gordon Finlayson (Editor), Fabian Freyenhagen (Editor), 2013
Domestic Violence in Postcommunist States: Local Activism, National Policies, and Global Forces
Katalin Fábián (Editor), 2010
Poder y religión en el mundo moderno : la cultura como escenario del conflicto en la Europa de los siglos XV a XVIII
Fabián Alejandro Campagne (editor), 2014
The Emergence of Humanitarian Intervention: Ideas and Practice from the Nineteenth Century to the Present
Fabian Klose (editor), 2015