کتاب های Fciob

Advanced Building Measurement
Ivor H. Seeley BSc(Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, MIH (auth.), 1989
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1996
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1983
Building Quantities Explained
Ivor H. Seeley BSc(EstMan), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, MIH (auth.), 1988
Building Technology
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1995
Civil Engineering Contract Administration and Control
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FICE, FRICS, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1993
Building Construction Handbook, Eighth Edition
Roy Chudley, Roger Greeno BA(Hons.)FCIOBFIPHEFRSA, 2010
Building Services Handbook, Fifth Edition: Incorporating Current Building & Construction Regulations
Fred Hall, Roger Greeno BA(Hons.)FCIOBFIPHEFRSA, 2009
Civil Engineering Quantities
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1993