کتاب های Fenves S.j.

Benjamin Now: Critical Encounters with The Arcades Project (Boundary)
Tom Gunning, Howard Eiland, Henry Sussman, Lindsay Waters, Peter Fenves, Claudia Brodsky Lacour, Peter Wollon, Michael Jennings, Samuel Weber, T.J.Clark, 2003
STRESS: A Problem-Oriented Computer Language for Structural Engineering
Steven J. Fenves, 1964
Numerical and Computer Methods in Structural Mechanics
Steven J. Fenves, 1973
Late Kant: Towards Another Law of the Earth
Peter Fenves, 2003
Late Kant: Towards Another Law of the Earth
Peter Fenves, 2003
The Messianic Reduction: Walter Benjamin and the Shape of Time
Peter Fenves, 2010
Raising the Tone of Philosophy: Late Essays by Immanuel Kant, Transformative Critique by Jacques Derrida
Peter Fenves (Editor), 1998
Politics and Truth in Hölderlin: Hyperion and the Choreographic Project of Modernity
Anthony Curtis Adler and Peter Fenves, 2021