کتاب های Finn B. Jensen

Java on Smart Cards:Programming and Security
D. Bolignano, D. Le Métayer, C. Loiseaux (auth.), Isabelle Attali, Thomas Jensen (eds.), 2001
Availability, Reliability and Security for Business, Enterprise and Health Information Systems: IFIP WG 8.4/8.9 International Cross Domain Conference and Workshop, ARES 2011, Vienna, Austria, August 22-26, 2011. Proceedings
Jostein Jensen (auth.), A Min Tjoa, Gerald Quirchmayr, Ilsun You, Lida Xu (eds.), 2011
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Acoustical Imaging: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Symposium, June 10–12, 1987
Philip S. Green, Joel F. Jensen, Zse-Cherng Lin (auth.), Lawrence W. Kessler (eds.), 1989
Studium Generale: Eitschrift für die Einheit der Wissenschaften im Zusammenhang ihrer Begriffsbildungen und Forschungsmethoden
Dr. Bernhard Grzimek (auth.), K. H. Bauer, L. Curtius, H. v. Einem, F. Ernst, H. Friedrich, W. Fucks, E. Hoffmann, E. v. Holst, K. Jaspers, A. E. Jensen, A. Jores, H. Kuhn, Fr. Oehlkers, H. Peters, E. Preiser, K. Reidemeister, F. H. Rein, W. Röpke, H. H. Schaeder, R. Smend, G. Söhngen, H. Thielicke, J. Trier, C. Troll, A. Weber, C. F. v. Weizsäcker, G. Wenke, J. Zutt (eds.), 1950
Handbook of Milk Composition (Food Science and Technology International)
Robert G. Jensen, Marvin P. Thompson, 1995
Arts With the Brain in Mind
Eric Jensen, 2001
Arts with the brain in mind
Eric Jensen, 2001
Eric Frederick Jensen, 2014
Juvenile Law Violators, Human Rights, and the Development of New Juvenile Justice Systems
Eric L. Jensen, Jorgen Jepsen, 2006
Mechanisms of Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity II
Sucharit Bhakdi, Jørgen Tranum-Jensen (auth.), Pierre Henkart, Eric Martz (eds.), 1985
Eric Frederick Jensen, 2001
Statistik mit SAS
Julius Dufner, Uwe Jensen, Erich Schumacher (auth.), 2002
Statistik mit SAS
Julius Dufner, Uwe Jensen, Erich Schumacher (auth.), 2004
Statistik mit SAS
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Julius Dufner, Priv.-Doz. rer. nat. Uwe Jensen, Dr. rer. nat. Erich Schumacher (auth.), 1992
Student Success Secrets
Eric Jensen, 1982
Teaching with the brain in mind
Eric Jensen, 2005
Teaching With the Brain in Mind
Eric Jensen, 1998
Teaching With the Brain in Mind
Eric Jensen, 1998
The Law of Armed Conflict: An Operational Approach
Geoffrey S. Corn, Victor Hansen, M. Christopher Jenks, Richard Jackson, Eric Talbot Jensen, James A. Schoettler, 2012
The therapeutic cloning debate : global science and journalism in the public sphere
Eric Allen Jensen, 2014