کتاب های Fitzpatrick

Οι σύμβουλοι του Στάλιν. Τα επικίνδυνα χρόνια της σοβιετικής πολιτικής
Sheila Fitzpatrick, 2018
Young People in Care and Criminal Behaviour
Claire Fitzpatrick, 2006
"White Russians, Red Peril": A Cold War History of Migration to Australia
Sheila Fitzpatrick, 2021
El Clasico: Barcelona v Real Madrid: Football's Greatest Rivalry
Richard Fitzpatrick, 2012
The Great Earthquake Experiment: Risk Communication And Public Action
Dennis Mileti; Colleen Fitzpatrick, 1993
Excavations at Billingborough, Lincolnshire, 1975-8: A Bronze-Iron Age Settlement and Salt-Working Site
Peter Chowne, Rosamund M. J. Cleal, Andrew P. Fitzpatrick, Phil Andrews, 2001
Joan FitzPatrick Dean, 2021
The Free Market and the Human Condition : Essays on Economics and Culture
Lee Trepanier; Jeremy Beer; Bryce Christensen; Kirk Fitzpatrick; Pamela Hood; William H. Krieger; Peter McNamara; Emily Sullivan; Lee Trepanier, 2014
The Fall and the Ascent of Man : How Genesis Supports Darwin
Joseph Fitzpatrick, 2011
Managing Archaeological Collections in Middle Eastern Countries : A Good Practice Guide
Dianne Fitzpatrick, 2016
Lonely Planet Botswana & Namibia 5 (Travel Guide)
Mary Fitzpatrick, Narina Exelby, Sarah Kingdom, Melanie van Zyl, 2023
Tanzania, Zanzibar & Pemba
Mary Fitzpatrick, 1999
Foucault and Law
Ben Golder, Peter Fitzpatrick (editor), 2010
Landscapes of the Learned : Placing Gaelic Literati in Irish Lordships 1300-1600
Elizabeth FitzPatrick;, 2023