کتاب های Fong Chan Phd Crc

Civil Engineering Quantities
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FRICS, FICE, MCIOB (auth.), 1987
Environmental Management in Construction
Alan Griffith MSc, PhD, MCIOB, MIMgt (auth.), 1994
Quantity Surveying Practice
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, MCIOB (auth.), 1984
Akne: Pathogenese Morphologie Therapie
Privatdozent Dr. med. Gerd Plewig, Albert M. Kligman MD, PhD (auth.), 1978
Biotechnology Procedures and Experiments Handbook with CD-ROM(Engineering)(Biology)
S. Harisha, PhD, 2007
Oncologic and Cardiologic PET/CT-Diagnosis: An Interdisciplinary Atlas and Manual
Wolfgang Mohnike MD, Gustav Hör MD, Heinrich R. Schelbert MD, PhD (eds.), 2008
Advanced Histopathology
G. W. H. Stamp MBChB, MRCPath, N. A. Wright MA, DSc, MD, PhD, FRCPath (auth.), 1990
Allgemeine Pathologie: Ein Bilderlehrbuch
PhD FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCOG FRCPath Alasdair D. T. Govan, MBChB FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCPath Peter S. Macfarlane, FFPh FMAA AIMBI Robin Callander (auth.), 1991
Assessment of Cell Proliferation in Clinical Practice
R. F. Brooks (auth.), Peter A. Hall BSc, MD, MRCPath, David A. Levison MD, FRCPath, Nicholas A. Wright MA, MD, PhD, DSc, FRCPath (eds.), 1992
Bancroft's Theory and Practice of Histological Techniques: Expert Consult: Online and Print, 7e
Kim S Suvarna MBBSBScFRCPFRCPath, Christopher Layton PhD, John D. Bancroft, 2012
Cawson's Essentials of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine, 8e
Roderick A. Cawson MDFDSRCSFDSRCPS(Glas)FRCPathFAAOMP, Edward W Odell FDSRCSMScPhDFRCPath, 2008
Clinical Chemistry: With STUDENT CONSULT Access, 7e
William J. Marshall MAMScPhDMBBSFRCPFRCPathFRCPEdinFIBiol, Stephen K Bangert, Márta Lapsley MBBChBAODipPathMRCPathMDFRCPath, 2012
Clinical Problem Solving in Dentistry
Edward W Odell FDSRCSMScPhDFRCPath, 2004
Composite Materials: Functional Materials for Modern Technologies
Deborah D. L. Chung PhD (auth.), 2003
Proof in VDM: Case Studies
John Fitzgerald, Cliff Jones (auth.), J. C. Bicarregui BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 1998
Multiobjective Optimization: Interactive and Evolutionary Approaches
PhD Yann Collette, Professor Patrick Siarry (auth.), 2008
Network Models and Optimization: Multiobjective Genetic Algorithm Approach
Kaisa Miettinen PhD (auth.), 2008
Mechanical Ventilation: Clinical Applications and Pathophysiology
Peter J. Papadakos MD, B. Lachmann MDPhD, 2007
Compaq Visual Fortran: A Guide to Creating Windows Applications
Norman Lawrence PhDMEd, 2002
Compaq Visual Fortran: A Guide to Creating Windows Applications
Norman Lawrence PhDMEd, 2002
OpenGL Graphics Through Applications
Robert Whitrow BSc, PhD (auth.), 2008
Review of Organic Functional Groups: Introduction to Medicinal Organic Chemistry
Thomas L. Lemke PhD, Victoria Roche, St. William Zito, 2011
Controversies in Obesity
Stephan Rössner MD, PhD (auth.), David W. Haslam, Arya M. Sharma, Carel W. le Roux (eds.), 2014
Comparative Anatomy and Histology: A Mouse and Human Atlas
Piper M. Treuting DVMMSDiplomateACVP, Suzanne M. Dintzis MDPhD, 2011