کتاب های Food Forum

Food Safety Policy, Science and Risk Assessment: Strengthening the Connection: Workshop Proceedings
Food Forum Staff, Institute of Medicine Staff, Food and Nutrition Board Staff
The Human Microbiome, Diet, and Health: Workshop Summary
Food Forum, Food, 2013
Food Literacy: How Do Communications and Marketing Impact Consumer Knowledge, Skills, and Behavior? Workshop Summary
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Food and Nutrition Board; Food Forum; Leslie Pray, 2016
Advancing Regulatory Science for Medical Countermeasure Development: Workshop Summary
Development, and Translation Forum on Drug Discovery, Forum on Medical and Public Health Preparedness for Catastrophic Events, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine, Theresa Wizemann, Bruce M. Altevogt, Anne B. Claiborne, 2011
Zwei Grad mehr in Deutschland Wie der Klimawandel unseren Alltag verändern wird
Friedrich-Wilhelm Gerstengarbe; Harald Welzer; Forum für Forum für Verantwortung (editor), 2013
Financial Incentives to Encourage Development of Therapies That Address Unmet Medical Needs for Nervous System Disorders: Workshop Summary
Institute of Medicine; Board on Health Sciences Policy; and Translation Development Forum on Drug Discovery; Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders; Clare Stroud; Christopher DeFeo; Evelyn Strauss; Sheena M. Posey Norris, 2015
Nanotechnology in Food Products: Workshop Summary
Food Forum, 2009
Addressing the Barriers to Pediatric Drug Development: Workshop Summary
Development, and Translation Forum on Drug Discovery, Institute of Medicine, 2008
Stimulating Low-Carbon Vehicle Technologies
OECD; International Transport Forum, 2010
Copenhagen Ship Curves 56 Pieces Complete Set Laser Cutting File for Boat Hull Drafting
Wooden Boat Forum, 2015
Finn Class Olympic Sailboat Boat Plan
Boat Design Forum, 2010
International 2.4 Olympic Sailboat Plan fbm Design File for Crossing Long Distances
Boat Design Forum, 2008
Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing: Summary of a Workshop
Committee on Science, Technology, and Law, Forum on Drug Discovery, Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, National Research Council, Institute of Medicine, 2010
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading and Project-Based Mechanisms
Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, GLOBAL FORUM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, OEC, 2004
CNS Clinical Trials: Suicidality and Data Collection: Workshop Summary
Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders, 2010
Breakthrough Business Models: Drug Development for Rare and Neglected Diseases and Individualized Therapies: Workshop Summary
Theresa Wizeman, Sally Robinson, Robert Giffin, Development, and Translation Forum on Drug Discovery, Institute of Medicine, 2009
Considerations for Viral Disease Eradication
Forum on Emerging Infections, 2002
Considerations for Viral Disease Eradication
Forum on Emerging Infections, 2002
Accelerating the Development of Biomarkers for Drug Safety: Workshop Summary
Development, and Translation Forum on Drug Discovery, Institute of Medicine, 2009
Antibiotic Resistance: Implications for Global Health and Novel Intervention Strategies: Workshop Summary
Forum on Microbial Threats, Institute of Medicine, 2010
Antibiotic Resistance: Implications for Global Health and Novel Intervention Strategies: Workshop Summary
Forum on Microbial Threats, Institute of Medicine, 2010
Experience, Cooperation, and the Future: The Global Status of the Project Management Profession
Mass.) Global Project Management Forum 1996 (Boston, James S. Pennypacker, 1997
Fungal Diseases: An Emerging Threat to Human, Animal, and Plant Health: Workshop Summary
Forum on Microbial Threats, Institute of Medicine
Illustrated Glossary for Transport Statistics 4th Edition
OECD, International Transport Forum, Statistical Office of the European Communities, United Nations Economic Commission