کتاب های Fox, N.

Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 3: Lactose, Water, Salts and Minor Constituents
P.F. Fox (auth.), Paul McSweeney, Patrick F. Fox (eds.), 2009
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 3: Lactose, Water, Salts and Minor Constituents
P.F. Fox (auth.), Paul McSweeney, Patrick F. Fox (eds.), 2009
Game interface design
Brent (Brent Fox) Fox, 2004
Efficiency in the Public Sector
Kevin J. Fox (auth.), Kevin J. Fox (eds.), 2002
Drug-DNA Interaction Protocols
Keith R. Fox (auth.), Keith R. Fox (eds.), 1998
Drug-DNA Interaction Protocols
Keith R. Fox (auth.), Keith R. Fox (eds.), 1998
Organizational Discourse: A Language-Ideology-Power Perspective
Renata Fox & John Fox, 2004
Environmental Biotechnology for Waste Treatment
Gary S. Sayler, Robert Fox (auth.), Gary S. Sayler, Robert Fox, James W. Blackburn (eds.), 1991
Analytical Microbiology Methods: Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry
Alvin Fox, James Gilbart, Stephen L. Morgan (auth.), Alvin Fox, Stephen L. Morgan, Lennart Larsson, Göran Odham (eds.), 1990
Antitumor Drug Resistance
J. M. Whitehouse (auth.), Professor Brian W. Fox Ph. D., Dr. Margaret Fox (eds.), 1984
The Wild Bunch
Brian Fox [Fox, Brian], 1969
Forever Mine
Kennedy Fox [Fox, Kennedy]
An Introduction to the Theory of Elasticity
Atkin, R. J.; Fox, N.;; N. Fox, 2012
Experiment Perilous: Physicians and Patients Facing the Unknown
Renee C. Fox; Renée Claire Fox, 1997
Interfaces between Language and Culture in Medieval England: A Festschrift for Matti Kilpiö
Edited by Alaric Hall, Olga Timofeeva, Ágnes Kiricsi and Bethany Fox, 2010
3000 Years of Urban Growth
Tertius Chandler, Gerald Fox and H. H. Winsborough (Auth.), 1974
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1A: Proteins: Basic Aspects, 4th Edition
O. T. Oftedal (auth.), Paul L. H. McSweeney, Patrick F. Fox (eds.), 2013
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1A: Proteins: Basic Aspects, 4th Edition
O. T. Oftedal (auth.), Paul L. H. McSweeney, Patrick F. Fox (eds.), 2013
Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 2 Lipids
A. K. H. MacGibbon, M. W. Taylor (auth.), P. F. Fox, P. L. H. McSweeney (eds.), 2006
Advanced Dairy Chemistry Volume 3: Lactose, water, salts and vitamins
V. H. Holsinger (auth.), P. F. Fox (eds.), 1997
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Lipids
Paul McSweeney (Editor) Patrick F. Fox (Editor), 2006
Advanced Dairy Chemistry: Volume 1: Proteins, Parts A&B
Patrick F. Fox, Paul L. H. McSweeney, 2003
Biomarkers for Traumatic Brain Injury
Svetlana Dambinova; Ronald L Hayes; Kevin KW Wang; David E Thurston; David Fox