کتاب های Frédéric Bau

Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Heterodox Economics
Frederic S. Lee, Bruce Cronin, 2016
La saggezza spiegata a chi la cerca
Frédéric Lenoir, 2019
La filosofia dei bambini
Frédéric Lenoir, 2019
Pour un féminisme de la totalité
Boggio Éwanjé-Épée, Félix; Magliani-Belkacem, Stella; Merteuil, Morgane; Monferrand, Frédéric, 2017
Swift and Defoe: A study in relationship
John Frederic Ross, 1977
Limit Order Books
Frédéric Abergel, Marouane Anane, Anirban Chakraborti, Aymen Jedidi, Ioane Muni Toke, 2016
In defense of post-Keynesian and heterodox economics : responses to their critics
Lavoie, Marc; Lee, Frederic S., 2014
Brown’s natural twisting cochain and the Eilenberg-Mac Lane transformation
Frédéric Morace, Alain Prouté, 2012
Guia de colls de Catalunya, Andorra i Balears: 900 pujades en bicicleta de carretera (Azimut)
Frederic Ràfols Barrufet, 2011
Patents as an Instrument in Restraint of Trade
Freitag, Otto Frederic
Le scepticisme
Frédéric Cossutta, 1993
The Relationship of Parental Attitudes and Adjustments to the Development of Stuttering
Darley, Frederic Loudon
"Discourse And Truth" And "Parresia"
Michel Foucault, Henri-Paul Fruchaud, Daniele Lorenzini, Frédéric Gros, Nancy Luxon, 2019
Euro, plan B Sortir de la crise en Grèce, en France et en Europe
Costas Lapavitsas, Heiner Flassbeck ,Cédric Durand ,Guillaume Ethiévant ,Frédéric Lordon, 2016
Empirical Investigations Of Social Space
Jörg Blasius, Frédéric Lebaron, Brigitte Le Roux, Andreas Schmitz, 2019
The Muslim Empires of the Ottomans, Safavids, and Mughals
Stephen Frederic Dale, 2010
Anatomie du nazisme
Frédéric Sallée, 2018
Guide des mouvements de musculation: Approche anatomique
Frédéric Delavier, 2010
Mikhail Steblin-Kamenskij (Михаил Иванович Стеблин-Каменский), Mary Coote, Frederic Amory (translators), Anatoly Liberman (Анатолий Либерман, Epilogue), 1982
Géographie 1re - Éd. 2019 - Livre de l'élève
Anne Vanacore, Véronique Ziegler, Eloïse Libourel, Sophie Litzler, Frédéric Bresc, Sophie Gaudelette, Françoise Bézier, 2019
La philosophie face à la violence
Marc Crépon, Frédéric Worms, 2015
Joe Beef: Surviving the Apocalypse, Another Cookbook of Sorts
Frederic Morin; David McMillan; Meredith Erickson, 2018