کتاب های Frances K. Pohl

Poor People’s Movements: Why They Succeed, How They Fail
Frances Fox Piven, Richard A. Cloward, 1979
L’illuminismo dei Rosa-Croce
Frances A. Yates, 2011
The Algebra Solution to the Mathematics Reform: Completing the Equation
Frances R. Spielhagen, 2011
Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Designs
Stephen D. Lapan, MaryLynn T. Quartaroli, Frances J. Riemer, 2011
Eating the Sun: Small Musings on a Vast Universe
Ella Frances Sanders, 2019
The Baby as Subject: Clinical Studies in Infant-Parent Therapy
Campbell Paul, Frances Thomson-Salo, 2013
Nietzsche on Gender: Beyond Man and Woman
Frances Nesbitt Oppel, 2005
The First Year and the Rest of Your Life: Movement, Development, and Psychotherapeutic Change
Ruella Frank, Frances La Barre, 2010
Religious faith and intellectual virtue
Callahan, Laura Frances; O’Connor, Timothy, 2014
NCLEX-RN® EXCEL, Second Edition
Brenda Reap Thompson & Frances H. Cornelius Ruth A. Wittmann-Price
Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management
Karen A. Wager, Frances Wickham Lee, John P. Glaser, 2017
Storied Landscapes: Ethno-Religious Identity and the Canadian Prairies
Frances Swyripa, 2010
Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies
Frances Sizer; Ellie Whitney, 2016
Historia de las imágenes e historia de las ideas. La escuela de Aby Warburg
José Emilio Burucúa, Aby Warburg, Ernst Gombrich, Frances Yates, 1992
Nurse’s Pocket Guide, 15e : Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales.
Doenges, Marilynn; Moorhouse, Mary Frances; Murr, Alice, 2019
Feminist Views from Somewhere: Post-Jungian Themes in Feminist Theory
Leslie Gardner, Frances Gray (eds.), 2017
Gathering Time: Dating the Early Neolithic Enclosures of Southern Britain and Ireland
Alasdair Whittle, Frances Healy, Alex Bayliss, 2011
The Modern Portrait Poem: From Dante Gabriel Rossetti to Ezra Pound
Frances Dickey, 2012
English Legal System 2016/2017
Catherine Elliott, Frances Quinn, 2016
Crippled: Austerity and the Demonization of Disabled People
Frances Ryan, 2019
The Self in Health and Illness: Patients, Professionals and Narrative Identity
Rapport, Frances; Wainwright, Paul, 2016
The Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth: A Life
Frances Wilson, 2009
الأميرة الصغيرة A Little Princess
ألبير مطلق، فرانسس بورنت، شيرلي تورتFrances Hodgson Burnett, 1987
الأميرة الصغيرة A Little Princess
فرانسيس هودجسون بيرنتFrances Hodgson Burnettفايقة جرجس حنا, 2012