کتاب های Frank S. De Boer

Concurrency Verification: Introduction to Compositional and Non-compositional Methods
Willem-Paul de Roever, Frank de Boer, Ulrich Hanneman, Jozef Hooman, Yassine Lakhnech, Mannes Poel, Job Zwiers, 2001
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 10th International Symposium, FMCO 2011, Turin, Italy, October 3-5, 2011, Revised Selected Papers
Martin Wirsing, Matthias Hölzl, Mirco Tribastone, Franco Zambonelli (auth.), Bernhard Beckert, Ferruccio Damiani, Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue (eds.), 2013
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Formal Methods for Components and Objects: 6th International Symposium, FMCO 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 24-26, 2007, Revised Lectures
Gilles Barthe, Pierre Crégut, Benjamin Grégoire, Thomas Jensen, David Pichardie (auth.), Frank S. de Boer, Marcello M. Bonsangue, Susanne Graf, Willem-Paul de Roever (eds.), 2008
Direct-Contact Heat Transfer
R. F. Boehm, Frank Kreith (auth.), Frank Kreith, R. F. Boehm (eds.), 1988
Anlaufmanagement in der Automobilindustrie erfolgreich umsetzen: Ein Leitfaden für die Praxis
Günther Schuh, Wolfgang Stölzle, Frank Straube (auth.), Günther Schuh, Wolfgang Stölzle, Frank Straube (eds.), 2008
Agent Mediated Electronic Commerce: The European AgentLink Perspective
Carles Sierra, Frank Dignum (auth.), Frank Dignum, Carles Sierra (eds.), 2001
Guide to Intelligent Data Analysis: How to Intelligently Make Sense of Real Data
Michael R. Berthold, Christian Borgelt, Frank Höppner, Frank Klawonn, 2010
Handbuch Automobilbanken: Finanzdienstleistungen für Mobilität
Frank Stenner (auth.), Dr. Frank Stenner (eds.), 2010
Advances in Immunology, Vol. 40
Frank J. Dixon, K. Frank Austen, Leroy E. Hood, Jonathan W. Uhr (Eds.), 1987
Interest rate, term structure, and valuation modeling
Frank J. Fabozzi, Frank J. Fabozzi CFA, 2002
Advances in Learning Software Organizations: 4th International Workshop, LSO 2002, Chicago, IL, USA, August 6, 2002. Revised Papers
Scott Henninger, Frank Maurer (auth.), Scott Henninger, Frank Maurer (eds.), 2003
Fuzzy Cluster Analysis
Frank Höppner, Rudolf Kruse, Frank Klawonn, Thomas Runkler, 1999
Psychology in diabetes care
Frank J. Snoek, T. Chas Skinner, Frank Snoek, Chas Skinner, 2000
Extrusion in Ceramics
Frank Händle (auth.), Frank Händle (eds.), 2007
Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space: New Perspectives on Geographic Information Research
Andrew U. Frank, David Mark, Martin Raubal (auth.), Martin Raubal, David M. Mark, Andrew U. Frank (eds.), 2013
Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space: New Perspectives on Geographic Information Research
Andrew U. Frank, David Mark, Martin Raubal (auth.), Martin Raubal, David M. Mark, Andrew U. Frank (eds.), 2013
Ökonomie der Buchindustrie: Herausforderungen in der Buchbranche erfolgreich managen
Michel Clement, Eva Blömeke, Frank Sambeth (auth.), Michel Clement, Eva Blömeke, Frank Sambeth (eds.), 2009
Issues in Agent Communication
Frank Dignum, Mark Greaves (auth.), Frank Dignum, Mark Greaves (eds.), 2000