کتاب های Frank W K Firk

Game Console Hacking: Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo, Game Boy, Atari, & Sega
Joe Grand, Albert Yarusso, Ralph H. Baer, Marcus R. Brown, Frank Thornton, 2005
Expertensysteme 93: 2. Deutsche Tagung Expertensysteme (XPS-93) Hamburg, 17.-19. Februar 1993
Hartmut Weule (auth.), Frank Puppe, Andreas Günter (eds.), 1993
XPS-99: Knowledge-Based Systems. Survey and Future Directions: 5th Biannual German Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems, Würzburg, Germany, March 3-5, 1999. Proceedings
Rudi Studer, Dieter Fensel, Stefan Decker, V. Richard Benjamins (auth.), Frank Puppe (eds.), 1999
XPS-99: Knowledge-Based Systems. Survey and Future Directions: 5th Biannual German Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems, Würzburg, Germany, March 3-5, 1999. Proceedings
Rudi Studer, Dieter Fensel, Stefan Decker, V. Richard Benjamins (auth.), Frank Puppe (eds.), 1999
Designing the European Model
Seppo Honkapohja, Frank Westermann, 2009
Designing the European Model
Seppo Honkapohja, Frank Westermann (eds.), 2009
Cattle in the cotton fields: a history of cattle raising in Alabama
Frank Albert Cotton, Geoffrey Wilkinson, Paul L. Gaus, 1998
Atlas of Osteoarthritis
Nigel Arden, Francisco Blanco, C. Cooper, Ali Guermazi, Daichi Hayashi, David Hunter, M. Kassim Javaid, Francois Rannou, Frank Roemer, Jean-Yves Reginster (auth.), 2014
Foundation Fireworks CS4
Grant Hinkson, Craig Erskine, Matt Heerema, Chuck Mallott, Matthew Keefe, Hugh Griffith (auth.), Clay Andres, Douglas Pundick, Steve Anglin, Mark Beckner, Ewan Buckingham, Tony Campbell, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick, Jonathan Hassell, Michelle Lowman, Matthew Moodie, Duncan Parkes, Jeffrey Pepper, Frank Pohlmann, Ben Renow-Clarke, Dominic Shakeshaft, Matt Wade, Tom Welsh, Ami Knox, Laura Cheu (eds.), 2009
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems
Frank C. Hoppensteadt (auth.), 1993
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems
Frank C. Hoppensteadt (auth.), 1993
Analysis and Simulation of Chaotic Systems
Frank C. Hoppensteadt (auth.), 1993
Analysis and simulations of chaotic systems
Frank C. Hoppensteadt, 2000
Heat Treatment: Conventional and Novel Applications
Frank Czerwinski, 2012
Backen mit Hanf
Kathrin Gebhardt, Frank T. Wortmann, Joubin Gandjour
Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs
P. A. G. M. De Smet (auth.), Dr. Peter A. G. M. De Smet, Dr. Konstantin Keller, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, Prof. Dr. R. Frank Chandler (eds.), 1997
Adverse Effects of Herbal Drugs 2
Peter A. G. M. De Smet (auth.), Dr. Peter A. G. M. De Smet, Dr. Konstantin Keller, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, Prof. Dr. R. Frank Chandler (eds.), 1993
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering
Frank Ihlenburg (eds.), 1998
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering
Frank Ihlenburg (eds.), 1998
Finite Element Analysis of Acoustic Scattering (Applied Mathematical Sciences)
Frank Ihlenburg, 1998
Antibody Engineering
Nina Strebe, Frank Breitling, Dieter Moosmayer, Bodo Brocks, Stefan Dübel (auth.), Roland Kontermann, Stefan Dübel (eds.), 2010
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy, June 18-22, 2007. Proceedings
Carmen Zannier, Frank Maurer (auth.), Giulio Concas, Ernesto Damiani, Marco Scotto, Giancarlo Succi (eds.), 2007
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 8th International Conference, XP 2007, Como, Italy, June 18-22, 2007. Proceedings
Carmen Zannier, Frank Maurer (auth.), Giulio Concas, Ernesto Damiani, Marco Scotto, Giancarlo Succi (eds.), 2007
Foundations of Social Evolution
Steven A. Frank, 1998