کتاب های Frank W. Bond (editor)

Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, (January, 2005)
Frank W. Bond (Editor), 2005
Communities, Land and Social Innovation: Land Taking and Land Making in an Urbanising World
Pieter Van den Broeck (editor), Asiya Sadiq (editor), Ide Hiergens (editor), Monica Quintana Molina (editor), Han Verschure (editor), Frank Moulaert (editor), 2020
Essentials of Interventional Techniques in Managing Chronic Pain
Laxmaiah Manchikanti (editor), Vijay Singh (editor), Frank J.E. Falco (editor), Alan D. Kaye (editor), Amol Soin (editor), Joshua A. Hirsch (editor), 2024
Anne Frank, O. Frank (editor), M. Pressler (editor), F. Sessi (editor), 2014
Print Culture Histories Beyond the Metropolis
James J. Connolly (editor), Patrick Collier (editor), Frank Felsenstein (editor), Kenneth R. Hall (editor), Robert Hall (editor), 2016
Handbook of Reinforcement Learning and Control: 325 (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 325)
Kyriakos G. Vamvoudakis (editor), Yan Wan (editor), Frank L. Lewis (editor), Derya Cansever (editor), 2021
Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: The Roles of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Knowledge
Frank Fischer (editor), Clark A. Chinn (editor), Katharina Engelmann (editor), Jonathan Osborne (editor), 2018
Form- und Bewegungskräfte in Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft
Frank Fehrenbach (editor), Lutz Hengst (editor), Frederike Middelhoff (editor), Cornelia Zumbusch (editor), 2022
Challenges in Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials, Mechanics of Biological Systems and Materials & Micro-and Nanomechanics, Volume 2: Proceedings of ... Society for Experimental Mechanics Series)
Alireza Amirkhizi (editor), Jacob Notbohm (editor), Nikhil Karanjgaokar (editor), Frank W DelRio (editor), 2021
Massive and Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears: From Basic Science to Advanced Treatments
Nuno Sampaio Gomes (editor), Ladislav Kovačič (editor), Frank Martetschläger (editor), Giuseppe Milano (editor), 2020
Exploring and Optimizing Agricultural Landscapes (Innovations in Landscape Research)
Lothar Mueller (editor), Viktor G. Sychev (editor), Nikolai M. Dronin (editor), Frank Eulenstein (editor), 2021
Exact and Heuristic Scheduling Algorithms
Frank Werner (editor), Larysa Burtseva (editor), Yuri Sotskov (editor), 2020
Wood & Fire Safety: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Wood & Fire Safety 2020
Linda Makovicka Osvaldova (editor), Frank Markert (editor), Samuel L. Zelinka (editor), 2020
Computing in Communication Networks: From Theory to Practice
Frank Fitzek (editor), Fabrizio Granelli (editor), Patrick Seeling (editor), 2020
The Arthur of the Low Countries: The Arthurian Legend in Dutch and Flemish Literature (Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages)
Bart (editor), Brandsma (editor), Frank (editor), 2021
Deutschbuch 5. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch Differenzierende Ausgabe Rheinland-Pfalz
Mechthild Stüber, Frank Schneider, Toka-Lena Rusnok, Dagmar Petig, Friedrich Dick, Julie Chatzistamatiou, Alexandra Biegler, Andrea Wagener (editor), Bernd Schurf (editor), Markus Langner (editor), 2011
Echocardiography in pediatric and adult congenital heart disease
Benjamin W. Eidem (editor); Patrick W. O'Leary (editor); Frank Cetta (editor), 2015
Architekturen für BI & Analytics: Konzepte, Technologien und Anwendungen
Peter Gluchowski (editor), Frank Leisten (editor), Gero Presser (editor), 2021
Routledge International Handbook of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: Critiques, Problems, and Alternatives to Psychological Ideas (Routledge International Handbooks)
Brent D. Slife (editor), Stephen C. Yanchar (editor), Frank C. Richardson (editor), 2022
Self and consciousness : multiple perspectives
Pamela M. Cole (editor); Dale L. Johnson (editor); Frank S. Kessel (editor), 2014
Republic of Apples, Democracy of Oranges: New Eco-poetry from China and the U.S.
Frank Stewart (editor), Tony Barnstone (editor), Ming Di (editor), 2019
Weissbuch Gastroenterologie 2020/2021 : Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Traktes, der Leber und der BauchspeicheldreÌ#x80;use - Gegenwart und Zukunft
Petra Lynen Jansen (editor); Markus M. Lerch (editor); Frank Lammert (editor), 2019
The Cambridge Handbook of Applied School Psychology
Frank C. Worrell (editor), Tammy L. Hughes (editor), Dante D. Dixson (editor), 2020
Reichweiten: Band 1 Internationale Stile – Voraussetzungen, soziale Verankerungen, Fallstudien
Nikolaus Henkel (editor); Thomas Noll (editor); Frank Rexroth (editor), 2019