کتاب های Franklin Foer
درباره نویسنده

How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization
Franklin Foer, 2005
How Soccer Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization
Franklin Foer, 2004
Como o Futebol Explica o Mundo
Franklin Foer, 2005
World Without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech
Franklin Foer, 2017
Welt ohne Geist
Foer, Franklin
[美]富兰克林·福尔(Franklin Foer), 2019
How Football Explains the World: An Unlikely Theory of Globalization
Franklin Foer, 2006
Un mundo sin ideas
Franklin Foer, 2017
Recent Advances in Robot Learning
Judy A. Franklin, Tom M. Mitchell, Sebastian Thrun (auth.), Judy A. Franklin, Tom M. Mitchell, Sebastian Thrun (eds.), 1996
Illustrated key to the wild and commonly cultivated trees of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada
Collins, J. Franklin (James Franklin), b. 1863, 1912
Autobiografia di Benjamin Franklin (Biografie, autobiografie, diari e memorie)
Benjamin Franklin [Benjamin Franklin], 2016
React: Tools & Resources
Michael Wanyoike & Manjunath M & Jack Franklin & Swizec Teller & Ahmed Bouchefra [Wanyoike, Michael & M, Manjunath & Franklin, Jack & Teller, Swizec & Bouchefra, Ahmed], 2017
Idiot's Guides: Leather Crafts
Valerie Schafer Franklin; Geoffrey Franklin, 2016
Relentless Spirit: The Unconventional Raising of a Champion
Missy Franklin; D A Franklin; Daniel Paisner, 2016
Historia de las ideas políticas en la República Dominicana
Franklin Franco Pichardo (Franklin J. Franco)
Activismo digital, medios comunitarios y comunicación sostenible en América Latina
Cheryl Martens, Cristina Venegas, Etsa Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy (eds.), Cheryl Martens, Etsa Franklin Salvio Sharupi Tapuy, Cristina Venegas, Carlos Jiménez, Doris Pinos, Mario Rodríguez, David Vila-Viñas, Juan Crespo, Maximiliano Salatino, Santiago García, Loreto Bravo, Clara Robayo, Andrea Medrado, Taynara Cabral, Renata Souza, Diana Coryat, Salvador Millaleo, Inés Binder, Ana Acosta, Natalia Angulo, Belén Febres-Cordero, Iria Puyosa, Juan Andrango Bolaños, Javier Jiménez, Mónica Bustaman, 2022
Wastewater engineering: treatment and reuse
George Tchobanoglous, Franklin Louis Burton, H. David Stensel, 2003
101 Quizzlers
Thomas Franklin, Jeremy Steele, 1990
Artificial Minds
Stan Franklin, 1995
Smart Structures Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control
Franklin Y. Cheng, Hongping Jiang, Kangyu Lou, 2008
Smart Structures: Innovative Systems for Seismic Response Control
Franklin Y. Cheng, Hongping Jiang, Kangyu Lou, 2008
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2004: 24th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15-19, 2004. Proceedings
Alex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Michaël Quisquater (auth.), Matt Franklin (eds.), 2004
Advances in Cryptology – CRYPTO 2004: 24th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15-19, 2004. Proceedings
Alex Biryukov, Christophe De Cannière, Michaël Quisquater (auth.), Matt Franklin (eds.), 2004