کتاب های Franklin S.

Can that be Right?: Essays on Experiment, Evidence, and Science
Allan Franklin (auth.), 1999
Spon's Middle East Construction Cost Handbook
Franklin &, 2005
Clean Politics, Clean Streams: A Legislative Autobiography and Reflections
Franklin Kury, 2011
Beginning jQuery
Jack Franklin (auth.), 2013
Beginning jQuery
Jack Franklin, 2013
Client Data Caching: A Foundation for High Performance Object Database Systems
Michael J. Franklin (auth.), 1996
Understanding Research: Coping with the Quantitative - Qualitative Divide
M.I. Franklin, 2012
Understanding Research: Coping with the Quantitative - Qualitative Divide
M.I. Franklin, 2012
Social Policy, the Media and Misrepresentation
Bob Franklin, 1999
Understanding financial crises
Franklin Allen, 2007
Key Concepts in Journalism Studies (SAGE Key Concepts series)
Bob Franklin, 2005
Shadows of Race and Class
Raymond S. Franklin, 1992
Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, c. 950-1300
Simon Franklin, 2002
Understanding Financial Crises
Franklin Allen, 2007
The Genesis of New Weapons. Decision Making for Military R & D
Franklin A. Long, 1980
Network Processor Design, Volume 3: Issues and Practices
Mark A. Franklin, 2005
Safety in medication use
Franklin, Bryony Dean, 2015
The Grand Tactics of Chess
Franklin Knowles Young, 2010
Gunsmithing fundamentals : a guide for professional results
Franklin Fry, 1988
„Wir aber sind nicht Fisch und nicht Fleisch“ Christliche „Nichtarier“ und ihre Kinder in Deutschland
Dr. Franklin A. Oberlaender (auth.), 1995
Biological Monitoring for Pesticide Exposure. Measurement, Estimation, and Risk Reduction
Rhoda G. M. Wang, Claire A. Franklin, Richard C. Honeycutt,, 1988