کتاب های Frey, Isabelle

Échographie endovaginale : Doppler-3D en gynécologie-obstétrique
Frey, Isabelle; Menu, Yves; Perrot, Nicolas, 2014
Heterologous Expression of Membrane Proteins: Methods and Protocols
Isabelle Mus-Veteau Ph.D. (auth.), Isabelle Mus-Veteau (eds.), 2010
Banzai ! Méthode de japonais
Isabelle Raimbault, Nathalie Isabelle, 2003
Dependable Computing - EDCC 5: 5th European Dependable Computing Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005. Proceedings
Pascal Traverse, Isabelle Lacaze, Jean Souyris (auth.), Mario Dal Cin, Mohamed Kaâniche, András Pataricza (eds.), 2005
Dependable Computing - EDCC 5: 5th European Dependable Computing Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 20-22, 2005. Proceedings
Pascal Traverse, Isabelle Lacaze, Jean Souyris (auth.), Mario Dal Cin, Mohamed Kaâniche, András Pataricza (eds.), 2005
Diagnostic techniques in genetics
Jean-Louis Serre, Isabelle Heath, Simon Heath, 2006
Diagnostic Techniques in Genetics
Jean-Louis Serre, Isabelle Heath, Simon Heath, 2006
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Development (Medical Intelligence Unit)
Isabelle Godin, Ana Cumano, 2006
Kinesin Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology Vol 164)
isabelle Vernos, 2001
Computational Systems Neurobiology
Marie-Claude Potier, Isabelle Rivals (auth.), N. Le Novère (eds.), 2012
Je Comprends tout ! Français CM2
Isabelle Petit-Jean, Bruno Fazio, 2015
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 9th European Conference, ECCBR 2008, Trier, Germany, September 1-4, 2008. Proceedings
Isabelle Bichindaritz (auth.), Klaus-Dieter Althoff, Ralph Bergmann, Mirjam Minor, Alexandre Hanft (eds.), 2008
Kauderwelsch, Schwiizertüütsch, das Deutsch der Eidgenossen: Kauderwelsch Band 71
Isabelle Imhof, 2007
Voilà! An Introduction to French, Cahier d’activités écrites et orales
Heilenman, L. Kathy; Kaplan, Isabelle; Tournier, Claude Toussaint, 2010
Biology and control theory: current challenges
Isabelle Queinnec, Sophie Tarbouriech, Germain Garcia, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, 2007
Cells, Tissues, and Disease: Principles of General Pathology
Guido Majno, Isabelle Joris, 2004
Feature Extraction Foundations and Applications. Pattern Recognition
Guyon Isabelle, 2006
UML 2 pour les developpeurs : Cours avec exercices corriges
Xavier Blanc, Isabelle Mounier, Cedric Besse (Contribution), Olivier Salvatori (Contribution)
ABC du chamanisme : De la tradition au chamanisme du XXIe siècle
Maja Cardot, Isabelle Clerc, 2005
Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2005 Workshops AOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005. Proceedings
Juan Trujillo (auth.), Jacky Akoka, Stephen W. Liddle, Il-Yeol Song, Michela Bertolotto, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Manuel Kolp, Juan Trujillo, Christian Kop, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2005
Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2005 Workshops AOIS, BP-UML, CoMoGIS, eCOMO, and QoIS, Klagenfurt, Austria, October 24-28, 2005. Proceedings
Juan Trujillo (auth.), Jacky Akoka, Stephen W. Liddle, Il-Yeol Song, Michela Bertolotto, Isabelle Comyn-Wattiau, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Manuel Kolp, Juan Trujillo, Christian Kop, Heinrich C. Mayr (eds.), 2005
Exploring Language in a Multilingual Context: Variation, Interaction and Ideology in Language Documentation
Bettina Migge, Isabelle Léglise, 2012
Decision Support Systems V – Big Data Analytics for Decision Making: First International Conference, ICDSST 2015, Belgrade, Serbia, May 27-29, 2015, Proceedings
Boris Delibašić, Jorge E. Hernández, Jason Papathanasiou, Fátima Dargam, Pascale Zaraté, Rita Ribeiro, Shaofeng Liu, Isabelle Linden (eds.), 2015