کتاب های Günther Ruhe (auth.)

One-parameter Semigroups of Positive Operators
Wolfgang Arendt, Annette Grabosch, Günther Greiner, Ulrich Moustakas, Rainer Nagel, Ulf Schlotterbeck, Ulrich Groh, Heinrich P. Lotz, Frank Neubrander (auth.), Rainer Nagel (eds.), 1986
Grundriß der Ernährungslehre
G. Wolfram (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Hans-Albrecht Ketz, Doz. Dr. sc. nat. Manfred Friedrich, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Berthold Gaßmann, Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Helmut Haenel, Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Johnsen, Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Rainer Macholz, Prof. Dr. sc. med. Rudolf Noack, Dr. sc. nat. Manfred Rothe, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Horst Schmandke, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Schulze, Prof. Dr. med. Günther Wolfram, Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Martin Zobel (eds.), 1990
Grundriß der Ernährungslehre
G. Wolfram (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Hans-Albrecht Ketz, Doz. Dr. sc. nat. Manfred Friedrich, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Berthold Gaßmann, Prof. Dr. med. vet. habil. Helmut Haenel, Dr. rer. nat. Dieter Johnsen, Prof. Dr. sc. nat. Rainer Macholz, Prof. Dr. sc. med. Rudolf Noack, Dr. sc. nat. Manfred Rothe, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Horst Schmandke, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Schulze, Prof. Dr. med. Günther Wolfram, Prof. Dr. agr. habil. Martin Zobel (eds.), 1990
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop, August 20–23, 2000, Warnemünde, Germany
J. Roychowdhury (auth.), Ursula van Rienen, Michael Günther, Dirk Hecht (eds.), 2001
Struma maligna: Derzeitiger Stand in Diagnose und Therapie
W. Langsteger, P. Költringer, W. Buchinger, Karin Dominik, G. Binter, O. Eber (auth.), Univ.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Pimpl, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Günther Galvan, Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. Dieter Kogelnik, Prim. Dr. Dieter Manfreda, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bruno Niederle, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schlag, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Waclawiczek (eds.), 1993
CT- and MR-Guided Interventions in Radiology
Marcus Katoh, Günther Schneider, Arno Bücker (auth.), Andreas H. Mahnken, Jens Ricke (eds.), 2009
Mobile Communications Advanced Systems and Components: 1994 International Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications Zurich, Switzerland, March 8–11, 1994 Proceedings
David J. Goodman (auth.), Christoph G. Günther (eds.), 1994
Landolt-Börnstein: Astronomie und Geophysik, Teil a
A. König, H. Siedentopf (auth.), J. Bartels, Fr. Becker, W. Becker, M. Beyer, L. Biermann, E. C. Bullard, Fr. Burmeister, S. Chapman, W. Dammann, W. Dieckvoss, W. Dieminger, G. Dietrich, H. Dörmann, L. Ebert, G. Falckenberg, H. Flohn, W. Fricke, W. Friedrich, R. Geiger, F. W. Götz, S. Günther, B. Gutenberg, H. Haffner, W. Hansen, L. Harang, Fr. Hecht, C. Hoffmeister, J. Hopmann, W. Horn, H. Israel, H. Jensen, J. Joseph, K. Jung, Ch. Junge, K. Kalle, K. Keil, W. Kertz, H. v. Klüber, K. Knoch, M., 2013
Landolt-Börnstein: Astronomie und Geophysik, Teil b
K. Jung (auth.), J. Bartels, Fr. Becker, W. Becker, M. Beyer, L. Biermann, E. C. Bullard, Fr. Burmeister, S. Chapman, W. Dammann, W. Dieckvoss, W. Dieminger, G. Dietrich, H. Dörmann, L. Ebert, G. Falckenberg, H. Flohn, W. Fricke, W. Friedrich, R. Geiger, F. W. Götz, S. Günther, B. Gutenberg, H. Haffner, W. Hansen, L. Harang, Fr. Hecht, C. Hoffmeister, J. Hopmann, W. Horn, H. Israel, H. Jensen, J. Joseph, K. Jung, Ch. Junge, K. Kalle, K. Keil, W. Kertz, H. v. Klüber, K. Knoch, M. Köhn, A. König,, 2013
Decontamination of Pesticide Residues in the Environmental: Atlantic City Meetings of the American Chemical Society September 1968
G. K. Kohn (auth.), Francis A. Gunther (eds.), 1969
User Interface Management Systems: Proceedings of the Workshop on User Interface Management Systems held in Seeheim, FRG, November 1–3, 1983
H. J. Strubbe (auth.), Günther E. Pfaff (eds.), 1985
Modelling Potential Malaria Spread in Germany by Use of Climate Change Projections: A Risk Assessment Approach Coupling Epidemiologic and Geostatistical Measures
Winfried Schröder, Gunther Schmidt (auth.), 2014
A Joint Venture Agreement for Seabed Mining
Dr. iur. Günther Jaenicke, Dr. iur. Erich Schanze LL.M., Wolfgang Hauser LL.M. (auth.), 1981
Biocommunication of Fungi
Guenther Witzany (auth.), Günther Witzany (eds.), 2012
Intelligent Problem Solving. Methodologies and Approaches: 13th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2000 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 19–22, 2000 Proceedings
Pramod K. Varshney (auth.), Rasiah Logananthara, Günther Palm, Moonis Ali (eds.), 2000
Intelligent Problem Solving. Methodologies and Approaches: 13th International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, IEA/AIE 2000 New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, June 19–22, 2000 Proceedings
Pramod K. Varshney (auth.), Rasiah Logananthara, Günther Palm, Moonis Ali (eds.), 2000
Parallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN VI: 6th International Conference Paris, France, September 18–20, 2000 Proceedings
Aaron Sloman (auth.), Marc Schoenauer, Kalyanmoy Deb, Günther Rudolph, Xin Yao, Evelyne Lutton, Juan Julian Merelo, Hans-Paul Schwefel (eds.), 2000
Fibrin Sealant in Operative Medicine: Volume 6 General Surgery and Abdominal Surgery
G. Schlag, H. Redl, M. Turnher, H. P. Dinges (auth.), Professor Dr. Günther Schlag, Dozent Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Heinz Redl (eds.), 1986
Fibrin Sealing in Surgical and Nonsurgical Fields: Volume 2: General and Abdominal Surgery Pediatric Surgery
C. Margarit, J. Balsells, R. Charco, J. L. Lázaro, E. Murio, A. Edo, I. Diaz (auth.), Prof. Dr. Günther Schlag, Prof. Dr. H.-W. Waclawiczek, Prof. Dr. R. Daum (eds.), 1994
Allgemeine Physiologie der Pflanzenzelle / General Physiology of the Plant Cell
H. J. Bogen (auth.), Dr. med. Günther F. Bahr, Dr. Hans J. Bogen, Dr. Leo Brauner, Professor Dr. Erwin Bünning, Professor Dr. T. Caspersson, Professor Dr. phil. Runar Collander, Dr. H. B. Currier, Professor Dr. Horst Drawert, Professor Dr. Franz Duspiva, Dr. Frank Eberhardt, Dr. Emanuel Epstein, Dozent Dr. Hermann Fischer, Dr. R. J. Helder, Dozent Dr. Heinz Kern, Docent Dr. med. Georg Klein, Dr. Paul J. Kramer, Dr. J. Levitt, Dr. Bernard S. Meyer, Dr. Adèle Millerd, K. Paech, Dr. R. N. Robertson, 1956
Anwenderhandbuch Pflanzenkläranlagen: Praktisches Qualitätsmanagement bei Planung, Bau und Betrieb
Gunther Geller, Gunhild Höner (auth.), 2003
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2012: 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-14, 2012, Proceedings, Part I
Claire Gerrard, John McCall, George M. Coghill, Christopher Macleod (auth.), Alessandro E. P. Villa, Włodzisław Duch, Péter Érdi, Francesco Masulli, Günther Palm (eds.), 2012
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2012: 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-14, 2012, Proceedings, Part II
Shinya Suzumura, Ryohei Nakano (auth.), Alessandro E. Villa, Włodzisław Duch, Péter Érdi, Francesco Masulli, Günther Palm (eds.), 2012
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2012: 22nd International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11-14, 2012, Proceedings, Part II
Shinya Suzumura, Ryohei Nakano (auth.), Alessandro E. Villa, Włodzisław Duch, Péter Érdi, Francesco Masulli, Günther Palm (eds.), 2012