کتاب های G. W. Kirby Sc. D.

Искусство программирования на С (2001)
Хезфилд, Кирби, и др.(R.Heathfield,L.Kirby)
Органическая химия фосфора
Кирби А.(Kirby A.), 1971
Berserk Style in American Culture
Kirby Farrell, 2011
Setting Up a New Library and Information Service
Kirby Porter (Auth.), 2003
Ein praktischer Führer für das Management der Systementwicklung
Edward J. Kirby (auth.), 1987
Religion and the Cold War
Dianne Kirby (eds.), 2003
Respectable Army: The Military Origins of the Republic, 1763 - 1789
James Kirby Martin, 2005
Richard Hooker, Reformer And Platonist
W. J. Torrance Kirby, 2005
Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind
Kirby Surprise, 2012
Diversity of Service Academy Entrants and Graduates
Sheila Nataraj Kirby, 2010
Engage Every Student: Motivation Tools for Teachers and Parents
Elizabeth Kirby EdD, 2009
Taking Ideas to Market (Express Exec)
Tim Jones Simon Kirby Anna Soisalo, 2002
The Brave Blue Line. 100 Years of Metropolitan Police Gallantry
Dick Kirby, 2011
Kalevala, the land of heroes
Kirby, William Forsell, 191u
Mastering Autodesk® Revit® 2017 for architecture
Kim, Marcus; Kirby, Lance; Krygiel, Eddy, 2016
Monitoring and intervention for the critically ill small animal: the rule of 20
Kirby, Rebecca; Linklater, Andrew K. J, 2016
Experiences in Liberal Arts and Science Education from America, Europe, and Asia: A Dialogue across Continents
William C. Kirby, Marijk C. van der Wende (eds.), 2016
The Celtic Tiger in Distress: Growth with Inequality in Ireland
Peadar Kirby (auth.), 2002
Transitioning to a Post-Carbon Society: Degrowth, Austerity and Wellbeing
Ernest Garcia, Mercedes Martinez-Iglesias, Peadar Kirby (eds.), 2017
Handlebody Decompositions of Complex Surfaces
John Harer, Arnold Kas, Robion Kirby, 1986