کتاب های G. W. S. Barrow

The History of Mathematics: A Source-Based Approach
June Barrow-Green, Jeremy Gray, Robin Wilson, 2019
The SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education
Richard Bailey, Robin Barrow, David Carr, Christine McCarthy, 2010
The Dangerous Class: The Concept of the Lumpenproletariat
Clyde Barrow, 2020
The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
Gowers, Timothy (EDT)/ Barrow-Green, June (EDT)/ Leader, Imre (EDT), 2008
Univerzumok könyve
John D. Barrow, 2012
A végtelen könyve
John D. Barrow
The Routledge Encyclopedia of Films
Sabine Haenni, Sarah Barrow, John White, 2014
Italy and Early Medieval Europe: Papers for Chris Wickham (The Past and Present Book Series)
Ross Balzaretti (editor), Julia Barrow (editor), Patricia Skinner (editor), 2018
Women in Caribbean Politics
Cynthia Barrow-Giles, 2011
Ein Besuch auf der Insel Island über Tronyem im Sommer 1834
John Barrow,, 1836
Universets opprinnelse
Barrow, John D., 1996
John Barrows durch die inneren Gegenden des südlichen Afrikas in den Jahren 1797 und 1798
John Barrow, Matthias Christian Sprengel (ed.), 1806
John Barrows durch die inneren Gegenden des südlichen Afrikas in den Jahren 1797 und 1798
John Barrow, Theophil Friedrich Ehrmann (ed.), 1805
Toward a Critical Theory of States: The Poulantzas-Miliband Debate After Globalization
Clyde W. Barrow, 2016
Between Inner Space and Outer Space: Essays on Science, Art, and Philosophy
John D. Barrow, 2000
Policing Domestic Abuse: Risk, Policy, and Practice
Katy Barrow-Grint, Jacqueline Sebire, Jackie Turton, Ruth Weir, 2022
The History of Mathematics: A Source-Based Approach, Volume 2 (AMS/MAA Textbooks, 61)
June Barrow-Green, Jeremy Gray, Robin Wilson, 2018