کتاب های Gabriel B.

The Emergence of Islam: Classical Traditions in Contemporary Perspective
Gabriel Said Reynolds, 2012
Mercaderes, empresarios y capitalistas: (Chile, siglo XIX)
Gabriel Salazar Vergara, 2009
The Musical-Mathematical Mind: Patterns and Transformations
Gabriel Pareyon, Silvia Pina-Romero, Octavio A. Agustín-Aquino, Emilio Lluis-Puebla (eds.), 2017
Les milieux forestiers
Rougerie, Gabriel, 1983
Classical Sāṃkhya ethics: a study of the ethical perspectives of Īśvarakṛṣṇa’s Sāṃkhyakārikās
Vincent Gabriel Furtado, 1992
German Idealism Today
Markus Gabriel, Anders Moe Rasmussen (eds.), 2017
Follow the Leader? How Voters Respond to Politicians’ Policies and Performance
Lenz, Gabriel S., 2012
Social representations and the social bases of knowledge
Mario von Cranach, Willem Doise, Gabriel Mugny, 1992
Irmãos - uma história do PCC
Gabriel Feltran, 2018
The Quran in Its Historical Context
Gabriel Said Reynolds, 2008
Die Hand- und Faustfeuerwaffen der habsburgischen Heere
Erich Gabriel, 1990
Braudel Revisited: The Mediterranean World, 1600-1800
Gabriel Piterberg, Teofilo Ruiz, Geoffrey Symcox, 2010
When Robots Kill: Artificial Intelligence under Criminal Law
Gabriel Hallevy, 2013
Gestión ambiental : desafíos para una producción sostenible
Gabriel Vazquez Amabile; Federico Fritz; Fernanda Feiguin ; Eugenia Magnasco; Pablo Cañada; Roberto Casas; Gustavo Idigoras; Mario Nuñez; Alejandro Radrizzani; Pablo Preliasco; Federcio Bert; Ariel Angelli, 2018
New Perspectives on the Qur’an: The Qur’an in Its Historical Context 2
Gabriel Said Reynolds, 2012
El Mundo Perdido de los Visigodos
Gabriel García Voltá, 1977
Gabriel Altmann, Walter A. Koch, 1998,2011
Gabriel García Márquez Miguel littin 阮叔梅, 1990
Posthumanism in the Age of Humanism: Mind, Matter, and the Life Sciences After Kant
Edgar Landgraf; Leif Weatherby; Gabriel Trop; Imke Meyer, 2018
Hundert Jahre Einsamkeit. Roman
Gabriel García Márquez, 1984
Soccer vs. the State: Tackling Football and Radical Politics, 2nd Edition
Gabriel Kuhn, Boff Whalley, 2019
A History of Eastern Europe
Vejas Gabriel Liulevicius, 2015