کتاب های Gabriele Zini

Ferenczi’s Influence on Contemporary Psychoanalytic Traditions: Lines of Development---Evolution of Theory and Practice Over the Decades
Aleksandar Dimitrijević; Gabriele Cassulo; Jay Frankel, 2018
The Psychology of Thinking about the Future
Gabriele Oettingen; A. Timur Sevincer; Peter M. Gollwitzer, 2018
Le ragioni fisiche e le dimostrazioni matematiche
Lolli, Gabriele, 1985
The Anthropology of Names and Naming
Barbara Bodenhorn, Gabriele vom Bruck, 2006
Semiotics of Virality for an Epidemiology of Meaning - Semiotica della Viralità per un__039;Epidemiologia del senso
Gabriele Marino, Mattia Thibault, 2017
Formulation and Numerical Solution of Quantum Control Problems
Alfio Borzi, Gabriele Ciaramella, Martin Sprengel, 2017
Categorie, universi e princìpi di riflessione
Lolli, Gabriele, 1977
Introduzione alla logica formale
Lolli, Gabriele, 1991
Teoria assiomatica degli insiemi
Lolli, Gabriele, 1974
Categorie, universi e principi di riflessione
Gabriele Lolli, 1977
Learning Hadoop 2
Garry Turkington, Gabriele Modena, 2014
Wyznania Egzorcysty
Gabriele Amorth
Nowe wyznania egzorcysty
Gabriele Amorth
Durchaus rhapsodisch. Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno: Das kompositorische Werk
Gabriele Geml, Han-Gyeol Lie (ed.), 2017
Autour de la Farce de Maître Pathelin...
Vickermann-Ribémont, Gabriele, 2017
Exhibiting the German Past: Museums, Film, and Musealization
Peter M. McIsaac, Gabriele Mueller, 2015
Filosofia della matematica
Gabriele Lolli, 2010
An Exorcist: More Stories
Gabriele Amorth; Nicoletta V. MacKenzie, 2002
Memoirs of an Exorcist: My Life Fighting Satan
Marco Tosatti; Gabriele Amorth, 2014
Sparta agli inizi dell’eta Ellenistica: il regno di Areo 1. (309-8 - 265-4 a. C.)
Marasco, Gabriele, 1980
Interactive Digital Narrative: History, Theory and Practice
Hartmut Koenitz, Gabriele Ferri, Mads Haahr, Diğdem Sezen, Tonguç İbrahim Sezen, 2015
Disability in Different Cultures: Reflections on Local Concepts
Bridgitte Holzer, Arthur Vreede, Gabriele Weigt, 2001
Analytic aspects of convexity
Bianchi, Gabriele; Colesanti, Andrea; Gronchi, Paolo (eds.), 2018
Self-Dual Codes and Invariant Theory
Gabriele Nebe, Eric M. Rains, Neil J.A. Sloane, 2006