کتاب های Gary Lapointe

Real World SharePoint 2010: Indispensable Experiences From 22 MVPs
Scot Hillier, Karine Bosch, Darrin Bishop, Todd Bleeker, Reza Alirezaei, Adam Buenz, Gary Lapointe, Claudio Brotto, Robert Bogue, Randy Drisgill, Chris O?brien, John Ross, Joris Poelmans, Andrew Connell, Jason Medero, Ágnes Molnár, Nick Swan, Mike Walsh, Asif Rehmani, Ted Pattison, Randy Williams, Todd Klindt, Shane Young, Igor Macori, 2011
Jean Lapointe (ed.), 1976
Développement durable et communications : Au-delà des mots, pour un véritable engagement
Solange Tremblay, Léopold Gaudreau, Alain Lapointe, Guy Lachapelle, Collectif
Mesures statistiques en épidémiologie
Paul-Marie Bernard, Claude Lapointe, 1998
Preparing Principals for a Changing World: Lessons from Effective School Leadership Programs
Linda Darling?Hammond, Debra Meyerson, Michelle LaPointe, Margaret Terry Orr, Margaret Barber, Carol Cohen, Kimberly Dailey, Stephen Davis, Joseph Flessa, Joseph Murphy, Raymond Pecheone, Naida Tushnet(auth.), 2009
Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence
Sarah Deer, Bonnie Clairmont, Carrie A. Martell, Maureen L. White Eagle, J Agtuca, Judi Armbruster, Diane E. Benson, Mary Black Bonnet, Sally Brunk, Lea Carr, Rose L. Clark, Amanda D. Faircloth, Lisa Frank, Joy Harjo, Brenda Hill, Eileen Hudon, Carrie L. Johnson, B.J Jones, Karlene , Kochuten , Charlene A. LaPointe, Jayci Malone, Sarah Michèle Martin, Tracy Meyer, Frances Monroe, MariJo Moore, Eleanor Ned-Sunnyboy, Nila NorthSun, Stormy Ogden, Juanita Pahdopony, Kim Querdibitty, Sharon Lynn Reyn, 2007
Science, on blogue!
Lapointe, Pascal, 2007
Pascal Lapointe, 2005
Bolzano's Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction (History of Analytic Philosophy)
Sandra Lapointe, 2011
Bolzano’s Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction
Sandra Lapointe (auth.), 2011
New Anti-Kant
Sandra Lapointe, 2014
Out of Sight (Creative Editions)
Claude Lapointe, 1995
Paul Broca and the Origins of Language in the Brain
Leonard L. LaPointe, 2012
The Golden Age of Polish Philosophy: Kazimierz Twardowski’s Philosophical Legacy
Sandra Lapointe, 2009
Translation Mechanisms (Molecular Biology Intelligence Unit)
Jacques Lapointe, 2003
Bolzano’s Theoretical Philosophy: An Introduction
Sandra Lapointe (auth.), 2011
k-Schur Functions and Affine Schubert Calculus
Thomas Lam, Luc Lapointe, Jennifer Morse, Anne Schilling, Mark Shimozono, Mike Zabrocki, 2014
Innovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy
Sandra Lapointe,Christopher Pincock (eds.), 2017
Themes from Ontology, Mind, and Logic
Sarah Lapointe (ed.), 2015
Ontology after Carnap
Stephan Blatti, Sandra Lapointe, 2016
Logic From Kant To Russell: Laying the Foundations For Analytic Philosophy
Sandra Lapointe, 2018
Guide de vulgarisation - Au-delà de la découverte scientifique : la société
Pascal Lapointe, 2009
Reflections.qc.ca, 1840 to our times : history of Québec and Canada, secondary IV. Student textbook
Sylvain Fortin; Dominique Lapointe; Alain Parent; Rémi Lavoie; Gwendolyn Schulman; Natasha DeCruz, 2018
Mémoire.qc.ca : de 1840 à nos jours : histoire du Québec et du Canada : 4e secondaire. Manuel de l'élève
Sylvain Fortin, Dominique Lapointe, Rémi Lavoie, Alain Parent, 2018