کتاب های Gary Schneider (auth.)

Ku Chieh-Kang and China’s New History: Nationalism and the Quest for Alternative Traditions
Laurence A. Schneider, 1971
Madman of Ch’u: The Chinese Myth of Loyalty and Dissent
Laurence A. Schneider, 1980
A Revolução das Mulheres: Emancipação Feminina na Rússia Soviética
Graziela Schneider (Editor), 2017
Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy
Nathan Schneider, 2018
Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy
Nathan Schneider, 2018
Instructor’s Guide for Cosmic Perspective
Jeffrey O. Bennett, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas Schneider, Mark Voit, 2004
Invitation to Computer Science
G.Michael Schneider, Judith Gersting, 2018
The Global Circulation of the Atmosphere
Tapio Schneider; Adam H. Sobel, 2007
China’s Digital Nationalism
Florian Schneider, 2018
Invitation to Computer Science
G. Michael Schneider, Judith L. Gersting, 2018
China’s Digital Nationalism
Florian Schneider, 2018
Nonlinear PDEs. A Dynamical Systems Approach
Guido Schneider, Hannes Uecker, 2017
Visual Political Communication in Popular Chinese Television Series
Florian Schneider, 2012
Programming Language Explorations
Ray Toal, Rachel Rivera, Alexander Schneider, Eileen Choe, 2016
Mandatory Separation: Religion, Education, and Mass Politics in Palestine
Suzanne Schneider, 2018
This is service design doing : applying service design thinking in the real world : a practitioner’s handbook
Hormess, Markus; Lawrence, Adam; Schneider, Jakob; Stickdorn, Marc, 2018
Das große Flugzeug-Typenbuch von 1944
Helmut Schneider, 1980
The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World
Elena A. Schneider, 2018
Bonnie e Clyde: a vida por trás da lenda
Paul Schneider, 2010
Assimil: German With Ease (Part 1)
Hilde Schneider; A. Settler, 2012
The Complete Guide to Tropical Fishes
Earl Schneider and Dr. Leon F. Whitney, 1957
Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, David I. Schneider, Callie Daniels, 2016
This Is Service Design Doing: Using Research and Customer Journey Maps to Create Successful Services
Marc Stickdorn; Markus Edgar Hormess; Adam Lawrence; Jakob Schneider, 2016