کتاب های Geof Cox

An Introduction to Language, Australian 9th Ed
Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams, Mengistu Amberber, Felicity Cox, Rosalind Thornton, 2018
Improper Cross-Stitch
Haley Pierson-Cox, 2018
Embedded C Programming and the Microchip PIC
Richard H. Barnett; Sarah Cox; Larry O'Cull, 2003
Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR
Richard H. Barnett; Sarah Cox; Larry O'Cull, 2006
David L.Nelson; Michael M.Cox, 2005
无机化学 (Instant Notes in Inorganic Chemistry)
P. A. Cox (考克斯) ; 李亚栋, 2002
Oxford Textbook of Medicine: Infection
David A. Warrell, Timothy M. Cox, John D. Firth, Estée Török (ed.), 2012
Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science
James J. Cochran, Louis A. Cox Jr., Pinar Keskinocak, Jeffrey P. Kharoufeh, J. Cole Smith, 2015
Arts Programming for the Anthropocene: Art in Community and Environment
Bill Gilbert; Anicca Cox; Erika Osborne, 2018
Arts Programming for the Anthropocene: Art in Community and Environment
Bill Gilbert; Anicca Cox; Erika Osborne, 2018
Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide
John Cox, Amal Khoury, Sarah Minslow, 2021
It is Paul Who Writes
Ronald A. Knox, Ronald Cox, 1956
Waiting for Christ
Ronald A. KnoxRonald Cox, 1960
Waiting for Christ
Ronald A. Knox, Ronald Cox
固体材料电子结构与化学性质 The Electronic Structure and Chemistry of Solids
〔英〕 P.A.Cox 著 张洪良 王婧 吴锐 译, 2020
Advanced Introduction to Marxism and Human Geography
Kevin R. Cox, 2021
Capitalism as a system
Oliver C Cox, 1964
Vocabulary Basics for Business
Barbara G. Cox, Ph.D., 2002
Principles of Statistical Inference
D. R. Cox, 2006
Digital Signal Processing in Audio and Acoustical Engineering
Francis F. Li, Trevor J. Cox, 2019