کتاب های George Case

A Course in Mathematical Statistics
George G. Roussas, 1997
A course in time series analysis
Daniel Peña; George C Tiao; Ruey S Tsay, 2001
Modern Spatiotemporal Geostatistics
George Christakos, 2000
Structural geology of rocks and regions
George H Davis; Stephen J Reynolds; Chuck Kluth, 2012
Structural Geology of Rocks and Regions, 2nd Edition
George H. Davis, Stephen J. Reynolds, 1996
Contrasts in Style of American Thrust Belts: Alabama, Arkansas-Oklahoma, Wyoming-Idaho, Montana, July 20-31, 1989
William A. Thomas, George W. Viele, Lucian B. Platt, Christopher J. Schmidt(auth.)
Mechanics of Materials and Structures
George Z. Voyiadjis, Lawrence C. Bank and Laurence J. Jacob (Eds.), 1994
The I-55 Series Cubs Vs. Cardinals
George Castle, Jim Rygelski, D Ratermann, 1999
CliffsNotes® CSET®: Multiple Subjects, 2nd Edition
Jerry Bobrow, Stephen Fisher, Joy Mondragon‐Gilmore, Allan Casson, Peter Z Orton, Harold D. Nathan, Jeri Jones, Johanna Hays, Ed Kohn, Jan Christinson, Karen Sekeres, Barbara Swovelin, Robert Di Pietro, George Crowder, Michele Spence, Pitt Gilmore(auth.), 2008
Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications: First European Workshops, EvoIASP’99 and EuroEcTel’99, Göteborg, Sweden, May 26-27, 1999. Proceedings
C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, N. Werghi, A. P. Ashbrook (auth.), Riccardo Poli, Hans-Michael Voigt, Stefano Cagnoni, David Corne, George D. Smith, Terence C. Fogarty (eds.), 1999
Evolutionary Image Analysis, Signal Processing and Telecommunications: First European Workshops, EvoIASP’99 and EuroEcTel’99, Göteborg, Sweden, May 26-27, 1999. Proceedings
C. Robertson, R. B. Fisher, N. Werghi, A. P. Ashbrook (auth.), Riccardo Poli, Hans-Michael Voigt, Stefano Cagnoni, David Corne, George D. Smith, Terence C. Fogarty (eds.), 1999
Spatio-temporal Networks: Modeling and Algorithms
Betsy George, Sangho Kim (auth.), 2013
Safety, Reliability, Risk and Life-Cycle Performance of Structures and Infrastructures
Deodatis, George; Ellingwood, Bruce R.; Frangopol, Dan M, 2014
Airborne Vehicle Guidance and Control Systems
Siouris, George M, 2004
Handbook of fillers
George Wypych, 1999
Handbook of fillers
George Wypych, 1999
Handbook of thermoplastic elastomers
Jiri George Drobny (editor), 2007
Handbook of thermoplastic elastomers
Jiri George Drobny (editor), 2014
Metallocene Technology in Commercial Applications (Plastics Design Library)
George Benedikt, 2000
Advances in Cancer Research, Vol. 13
George Klein, Sidney Weinhouse, Alexander Haddow (Eds.), 1970
Advances in Cancer Research, Vol. 28
George Klein, Sidney Weinhouse (Eds.), 1978
Advances in Cancer Research, Vol. 49
George Klein (ed.), Sidney Weinhouse (ed.), 1987