کتاب های George I.

Partitions: Yesterday and today
George E Andrews, 1979
Partitions: Yesterday and today
George E Andrews, 1979
The theory of partitions
George E. Andrews, 1976
Dynamic Fleet Management: Concepts, Systems, Algorithms & Case Studies
Vasileios S. Zeimpekis, Christos D. Tarantilis, George M. Giaglis, Ioannis E. Minis, 2007
Dynamical systems
George D. Birkhoff, 1966
Dynamical Systems
George D. Birkhoff, 1927
Dynamical Systems
George D. Birkhoff
Dynamical Systems (Colloquium Publications)
George D. Birkhoff, 1927
Dynamical Systems (Colloquium Publications)
George D. Birkhoff, 1927
Dynamical systems and control
Firdaus E. Udwadia, H.I. Weber, George Leitmann, 2004
Dynamical systems, graphs, and algorithms
Prof. George Osipenko (auth.), 2007
Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms
Prof. George Osipenko (auth.), 2007
Dynamical Systems, Graphs, and Algorithms
Prof. George Osipenko (auth.), 2007
Dynamical Systems: Stability Theory and Applications
Nam P. Bhatia, George P. Szegö, 1967
Dynamical Systems: Stability Theory and Applications
Nam P. Bhatia, George P. Szegö, 1967
Wohascum County Problem Book
George T. Gilbert, Mark Krusemeyer, Loren C. Larson, 1996
Wohascum County Problem Book
George T. Gilbert, Mark Krusemeyer, Loren C. Larson, 1996
Functional analysis
George Bachman, Lawrence Narici, 1966
Fuzzy Logic in Geology
Robert V. Demicco, George J. Klir, 2003
Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications
George J. Klir, Bo Yuan, 1995
Uncertainty And Information: Foundations of Generalized Information Theory
George J. Klir, 2005
Uncertainty and information: foundations of generalized information theory
George J. Klir, 2006
Market structure and competition policy: Game-theoretic approaches
George Norman, Jacques-François Thisse, 2001