کتاب های George T. Tate Ph.d. (auth.)

Digital Neuroanatomy
George R. Leichnetz(auth.), 2006
Ion Exchange Training Manual
George P. Simon (auth.), 1991
Dynamic Stability of Suddenly Loaded Structures
George J. Simitses (auth.), 1990
Ubiquitous and Pervasive Commerce: New Frontiers for Electronic Business
George Roussos (auth.), 2006
Lineare Programmierung und Erweiterungen
George B. Dantzig (auth.), 1966
Stochastic programming: The state of the art in honor of George B. Dantzig
George B. Dantzig (auth.), 2011
Stochastic Programming: The State of the Art In Honor of George B. Dantzig
George B. Dantzig (auth.), 2011
Stochastic Programming: The State of the Art In Honor of George B. Dantzig
George B. Dantzig (auth.), 2011
Criminal Profiling: International Theory, Research, and Practice
George B. Palermo (auth.), 2007
Calculus Renewal: Issues for Undergraduate Mathematics Education in the Next Decade
Melvin D. George (auth.), 2000
Antistatics Databook
George Wypych (Auth.), 2014
The Rights of Patients: The Basic ACLU Guide to Patient Rights
George J. Annas (auth.), 1992
Silicium und Silicone: Über steinzeitliche Werkzeuge, antike Töpfereien, moderne Keramik, Computer, Werkstoffe für die Raumfahrt, und wie es dazu kam
Professor Eugene George Rochow (auth.), 1991
Elements of Abstract Harmonic Analysis
George Bachman (Auth.), 1964
Handbook of Material Weathering
George Wypych (Auth.), 2013
Macmillan’s Mergers and Acquisitions Yearbook
K. D. George (auth.), 1988
Cybersecurity in the European Union: Resilience and Adaptability in Governance Policy
George Christou (auth.), 2016
Applied Metallography
George F. Vander Voort (auth.), 1987
Metallography as a Quality Control Tool
George F. Vander Voort (auth.), 1980