کتاب های Georges Rey (editor)

A Companion to Chomsky
Nicholas Allott (editor), Terje Lohndal (editor), Georges Rey (editor), 2021
Die Koranhermeneutik von Günter Lüling
Tamer, Georges, Georges Tamer (editor), 2018
Die Koranhermeneutik von Günter Lüling
Tamer, Georges, Georges Tamer (editor), 2018
Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law
Georges Abi-Saab (editor), Kenneth Keith (editor), Gabrielle Marceau (editor), Clément Marquet (editor), 2019
Antropologia, prassi, emancipazione. Problemi del marxismo
Georges Labica (editor), Domenico Losurdo (editor), Jacques Texier (editor), 1991
Trajectories of Genetics
Bernard Dujon (editor), Georges Pelletier (editor), 2020
Islamic Theology, Philosophy and Law: Debating Ibn Taymiyya and Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya
Birgit Krawietz (editor), Georges Tamer (editor), 2012
The Concept of Freedom in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Georges Tamer (editor); Ursula Männle (editor), 2019
The Concept of Just War in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Georges Tamer (editor); Katja Thörner (editor), 2021
The Concept of Freedom in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Georges Tamer (editor); Ursula Männle (editor), 2019
The Concept of Human Rights in Judaism, Christianity and Islam
Catharina Rachik (editor); Georges Tamer (editor), 2022
Assassinio all'Étoile du Nord e altri racconti
Georges Simenon, Ena Marchi (editor), Giorgio Pinotti (editor), 2013
Second Language Practice: Classroom Strategies for Developing Communicative Competence
Georges Duquette (Editor), 1998
The Svatantrika-Prasangika Distinction: What Difference Does a Difference Make?
Georges B.J. Dreyfus (Editor), 2002
L'ano solare
Georges Bataille, S. Finzi (editor), 2019
Metodo di meditazione
Georges Bataille, M. C. Lala (editor), 1994
Il limite dell'utile
Georges Bataille, F. C. Papparo (editor), 2000
Georges Bataille, F. Ferrari (editor), 2015
L'ano solare
Georges Bataille, S. Finzi (editor), 2019
Regards français sur le coup d’État de 1921 en Perse: Journaux personnels de Georges Ducrocq et Hélène Hoppenot
Georges Ducrocq, Hélène Hoppenot, Yann Richard (editor), 2014
Popoli in lacrime, popoli in armi. L'occhio della storia
Georges Didi-Huberman, Renato Boccali (editor), 2020
Tutti i romanzi
Georges Bataille, Guido Neri (editor), 2004
Saggi di etnopsichiatria generale
Georges Devereux, Salvatore Inglese (editor), 2007