کتاب های Giovanni De Luna

Medievistica del Novecento: recensioni e note di lettura, Volume 1 & 2
Giovanni Tabacco, 2007
Il grande libro dei silenziatori e delle armi silenziate
Giovanni Marino, 1985
Vertical Relationships and Coordination in the Food System
Giovanni Galizzi, 1999
Fish Oil Replacement and Alternative Lipid Sources in Aquaculture Feeds
Giovanni M. Turchini, 2010
Safety Protocols in the Food Industry and Emerging Concerns
Giovanni Gurnari (auth.), 2015
The Little World of Don Camillo
Giovanni Guareschi, 2009
Corporate Financial Decisions and Market Value: Studies on Dividend Policy, Price Volatility, and Ownership Structure
Dr. Giovanni Marseguerra (auth.), 1998
Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine
Giovanni Maciocia, 1999
Elementi di teoria politica
Giovanni Sartori, 1995
Il ritorno dall’esilio babilonese
Giovanni Garbini, 2001
Introduzione alle lingue semitiche
Giovanni Garbini, 1994
Legislative XML for the Semantic Web: Principles, Models, Standards for Document Management
Giovanni Sartor (auth.), 2011
Ingegneria costituzionale comparata. Strutture, incentivi ed esiti
Giovanni Sartori, 2013
Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism
George Di Giovanni, 2000
Between Kant and Hegel: Texts in the Development of Post-Kantian Idealism
George Di Giovanni, 2000
Giovanni Catapano, 2010
Bibliotheca divina. Filologia e storia dei testi cristiani
Giovanni Maria Vian, 2001
Neurodegeneration: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, v793)
Giovanni Manfredi, 2011
Imminent Science: What Remains to be Discovered
Giovanni F. Bignami (auth.), 2014
Imminent Science: What Remains to be Discovered
Giovanni F. Bignami (auth.), 2014