کتاب های Gong Xue (editor)

Artificial Intelligence for a Sustainable Industry 4.0
Shashank Awasthi (editor), Carlos M. Travieso-González (editor), Goutam Sanyal (editor), Dinesh Kumar Singh (editor), 2021
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2021: 30th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Bratislava, Slovakia, ... I
Igor Farkaš (editor), Paolo Masulli (editor), Sebastian Otte (editor), Stefan Wermter (editor), 2021
Housing Displacement: Conceptual and Methodological Issues
Guy Baeten (editor), Carina Listerborn (editor), Maria Persdotter (editor), Emil Pull (editor), 2020
Affordable Housing Governance and Finance: Innovations, partnerships and comparative perspectives
Gerard Van Bortel (editor), Vincent Gruis (editor), Joost Nieuwenhuijzen (editor), Ben Pluijmers (editor), 2018
Lineamenti di un personalismo teologico. Scritti in onore di Carlo Arata
Luciano Malusa (editor), Giuseppe Benelli (editor), Angelo Campodonico (editor), Bruno Salmona (editor), 1996
Impact of Polycystic Ovary, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity on Women Health: Volume 8: Frontiers in Gynecological Endocrinology (ISGE Series)
Andrea R. Genazzani (editor), Lourdes Ibáñez (editor), Andrzej Milewicz (editor), Duru Shah (editor), 2021
Handbook of Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures
Kathy A. Mills (editor), Amy Stornaiuolo (editor), Anna Smith (editor), Jessica Zacher Pandya (editor), 2017
Handbook of Writing, Literacies, and Education in Digital Cultures
Kathy A. Mills (editor), Amy Stornaiuolo (editor), Anna Smith (editor), Jessica Zacher Pandya (editor), 2017
Bilingual Cognition and Language: The state of the science across its subfields
David Miller (editor), Fatih Bayram (editor), Jason Rothman (editor), Ludovica Serratrice (editor), 2018
Metaheuristics for finding multiple solutions
Michael G. Epitropakis (editor); Mike Preuss (editor); Jonathan E. Fieldsend (editor); Ph. D. Xiaodong Li (editor), 2021
Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory and Practice
Dena Davida (editor), Marc Pronovost (editor), Véronique Hudon (editor), Jane Gabriels (editor), 2018
Curating Live Arts: Critical Perspectives, Essays, and Conversations on Theory and Practice
Dena Davida (editor), Marc Pronovost (editor), Véronique Hudon (editor), Jane Gabriels (editor), 2018
The Nature State: Rethinking the History of Conservation
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg (editor), Matthew Kelly (editor), Claudia Leal (editor), Emily Wakild (editor), 2017
The Nature State: Rethinking the History of Conservation
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg (editor), Matthew Kelly (editor), Claudia Leal (editor), Emily Wakild (editor), 2017
Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, vol 2
Peter O. Müller (editor), Ingeborg Ohnheiser (editor), Susan Olsen (editor), Franz Rainer (editor), 2015
Chemoinformatics and bioinformatics in the pharmaceutical sciences
Pawan Kumar Raghav (editor); Ramesh K. Goyal (editor); Himanshu Ojha (editor); Navneet Sharma (editor), 2021
Advanced Smart Computing Technologies in Cybersecurity and Forensics
Keshav Kaushik (editor), Shubham Tayal (editor), Akashdeep Bhardwaj (editor), Manoj Kumar (editor), 2021
Contesting Post-Racialism: Conflicted Churches in the United States and South Africa
R. Drew Smith (editor), William Ackah (editor), Anthony G. Reddie (editor), Rothney S. Tshaka (editor), 2015
Perspectives on Energy Poverty in Post-Communist Europe
George Jiglau (editor), Anca Sinea (editor), Ute Dubois (editor), Philipp Biermann (editor), 2020
Artificial Intelligence for Communications and Networks: Third EAI International Conference, AICON 2021, Xining, China, October 23–24, 2021, ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 396)
Xianbin Wang (editor), Kai-Kit Wong (editor), Shanji Chen (editor), Mingqian Liu (editor), 2021
Enabling 6G Mobile Networks
Jonathan Rodriguez (editor), Christos Verikoukis (editor), John S. Vardakas (editor), Nikos Passas (editor), 2021
Handbook of Forensic Statistics (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)
David L. Banks (editor), Karen Kafadar (editor), David H. Kaye (editor), Maria Tackett (editor), 2020
Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-come
Vivienne Bozalek (editor), Michalinos Zembylas (editor), Siddique Motala (editor), Dorothee Holscher (editor), 2021
School Farms: Feeding and Educating Children
Alshimaa Aboelmakarem Farag (editor), Samaa Badawi (editor), Gurpinder Lalli (editor), Maya Kamareddine (editor), 2021