کتاب های Graeme D Snooks

Economics without Time: A Science Blind to the Forces of Historical Change
Graeme Donald Snooks, 1993
Economics without Time: A Science blind to the Forces of Historical Change
Graeme Donald Snooks (auth.), 1993
Global Transition: A General Theory of Economic Development
Graeme Donald Snooks (auth.), 1999
Longrun Dynamics: A General Economic and Political Theory
Graeme Donal Snooks, 1998
Longrun Dynamics: A General Economic and Political Theory
Graeme Donald Snooks (auth.), 2000
The Dynamic Society: The Sources of Global Change
Graeme Snooks, 1996
The Ephemeral Civilization: Exploding the Myth of Social Evolution
Graeme D Snooks, 1997
Was the Industrial Revolution Necessary?
Graeme Snooks, 1994
Longrun Dynamics: A General Economic and Political Theory
Graeme Donald Snooks (auth.), 2000