کتاب های Greg Bach

Mentale Modelle als Basis von Implementierungsstrategien: Konzepte für ein erfolgreiches Change Management
Norbert Bach (auth.), 2000
Managing Human Resources: Personnel Management in Transition
Stephen Bach, 2005
Effizienz der Führungsorganisation deutscher Konzerne
Norbert Bach, 2008
Smart Antennas: State of the Art (Eurasip Book Series on Signal Processing & Communications)
Edited by: Thomas Kaiser; André Bourdoux; Holger Boche; Javier RodrÃguez Fonollosa; Jørgen Bach Andersen;, 2005
Management of Patients with Neuromuscular Disease
John R. Bach, 2004
Nothing by Chance
Richard Bach, 1993
Messiah's Handbook: Reminders for the Advanced Soul
Richard Bach, 2012
Getting From Here to There: Analytic Love, Analytic Process
Sheldon Bach, 2006
Narcissistic States and the Therapeutic Process
Sheldon Bach, 1993
Informal lectures on formal semantics
Emmon W. Bach, 1989
CAPES de sciences physiques : Tome 2 : Chimie, cours et exercices, 3ème édition
Stéphane Bach, 2005
Linguistic Communication and Speech Acts
Kent Bach, 1979
Quantification in Natural Languages
Emmon Bach, 1995
Low Thermal Expansion Glass Ceramics
Hans (EDT) Bach, 1980
Lithium and Cell Physiology
Ricardo O. Bach (auth.), 1990
Get ahead! SPECIALTIES 250 SBAs for Finals
Fiona Bach, 2010
The Second Life Grid: The Official Guide to Communication, Collaboration, and Community Engagement
Kimberly Rufer-Bach, 2009