کتاب های Guy Fredrickson (eds.)

EPD Congress 2015
James A. Yurko, Antoine Allanore, Laura Bartlett, Jonghyun Lee, Lifeng Zhang, Gabriella Tranell, Yulia Meteleva-Fischer, Shadia Ikhmayies, Arief Suriadi Budiman, Prabhat Tripathy, Guy Fredrickson (eds.), 2016
EPD Congress 2015 : proceedings of symposia sponsored by the Extraction & Processing Division (EPD) of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) : held during TMS 2015, 144th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, March 15-19, 2015, Orlando, Florida
Yurko, Antoine Allanore, Laura Bartlett, Jonghyun Lee, Lifeng Zhang, Gabriella Tranell, Yulia Meteleva-Fischer, Shadia Ikhmayies, Arief Budiman, Prabhat Tripathy, Guy Fredrickson, 2015
Vestibular System Part 1: Basic Mechanisms
D. Bagger-Sjöbäck, A. Brodal, B. Cohen, G. F. Dohlman, J. M. Fredrickson, R. R. Gacek, B. E. Gernandt, H. H. Kornhuber, O. E. Lowenstein, H. Markl, G. Melvill Jones, O. Pompeiano, W. Precht, D. W. F. Schwarz, J. Wersäll (auth.), H. H. Kornhuber (eds.), 1974
Barbara Fredrickson, 2009
Love 2.0 : how our supreme emotion affects everything we feel, think, do, and become
Barbara Fredrickson, 2013
Barbara Fredrickson, 2009
Die Macht der guten Gefühle: Wie eine positive Haltung Ihr Leben dauerhaft verändert
Barbara L. Fredrickson, 2011
Eros and the Christ : longing and envy in Paul's christology
Fredrickson, 2013
The Black Image in the White Mind: The Debate on Afro-American Character and Destiny, 1817-1914
George M. Fredrickson, 1987
White Supremacy: A Comparative Study of American and South African History
George M. Fredrickson, 1981
The equilibrium theory of inhomogeneous polymers
Glenn Fredrickson, 2006
Under the bus how working women are being run over
Fredrickson, 2015
Under the bus how working women are being run over
Fredrickson, 2015
Big Enough to Be Inconsistent: Abraham Lincoln Confronts Slavery and Race (The W. E. B. Du Bois Lectures)
George M. Fredrickson, 2008
Black Liberation: A Comparative History of Black Ideologies in the United States and South Africa
George M. Fredrickson, 1996
Racism : a short history
Fredrickson, 2002
Racism : a short history
Fredrickson, 2002
Racism: A Short History
George M. Fredrickson, 2002
Racism: A Short History
George M. Fredrickson, 2003
The Comparative Imagination: On the History of Racism, Nationalism, and Social Movements
George M. Fredrickson, 2000
Rasism : en historisk översikt
Fredrickson, George M., 2003
Amor 2.0 (Para estar bien) (Spanish Edition)
Barbara Fredrickson, 2015