کتاب های H. Van Der Laan

Biochemistry of Plant Phenolics
C. F. Van Sumere, W. Van Brussel, K. Vante Casteele (auth.), Tony Swain, Jeffrey B. Harbone, Chris F. Van Sumere (eds.), 1979
Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science
Niels van Manen, Henk J. Scholten (auth.), Prof. Henk J. Scholten, Drs. Rob van de Velde, Niels van Manen (eds.), 2009
Information and Communication Technology in Organizations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects
Dr Harry Bouwman, Dr Bart van den Hooff, Dr Lidwien van de Wijngaert, Professor Jan A G M van Dijk, 2005
Information and Communication Technology in Organizations: Adoption, Implementation, Use and Effects
Dr Harry Bouwman, Dr Bart van den Hooff, Dr Lidwien van de Wijngaert, Professor Jan A G M van Dijk, 2005
Moral Responsibility: Beyond Free Will and Determinism
Nicole A Vincent, Ibo van de Poel (auth.), Nicole A. Vincent, Ibo van de Poel, Jeroen van den Hoven (eds.), 2011
Atmospheric Boundary Layer: Integrating Air Chemistry and Land Interactions
Jordi Vilá-Guerau de Arellano, Chiel C. van Heerwaarden, Bart J. H. van Stratum, Kees van den Dries, 2015
Logic in Action
Johan van Benthem, Hans van Ditmarsch, Jan van Eijck, Jan Jaspars, 2016
Proust et le theatre
Romana Goedendorp, Sjef Houppermans, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, 2006
Binas havo/vwo informatieboek havo-vwo voor het onderwijs in de natuurwetenschappen.
Bouwens, R.E.A; De Groot, P.A.M.; Kranendonk, W; Van Lune, J.P.; Prop - van den Berg, C.M.; Van Riswick, J.A.M.H.; Westra, J.J.;, 2013
Onderzoek en behandeling van het bekken
Patty Joldersma, Didi van Paridon-Edauw, Bram de Lange, Tom Hogervorst, Marc Martens, Jan van Melkebeek, Goof Schep (auth.), Koos van Nugteren, Dos Winkel (eds.), 2013
Trilingual Learning: The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000-1700) (Lectio, 13)
Raf Van Rooy (editor), Pierre van Hecke (editor), Toon Van Hal (editor), 2023
Proust et la musique (Marcel Proust Aujourd'hui, 17) (French Edition)
Sous la direction de Sjef Houppermans, Manet van Montfrans, Annelies Schulte Nordholt, Sabine van Wesemael, Nell de Hullu-van Doeselaar, 2022
A Geography of Public Relations Trends: Selected Proceedings of the 10th Public Relations World Congress “Between People and Power”, Amsterdam 3 – 7 June 1985
H. Mock, J. I. Royce, R. F. M. Lubbers, L. Moachon, B. Ogbuagu, T. Gastaut (auth.), E. Denig, A. van der Meiden (eds.), 1985
Biothermodynamics : The Role of Thermodynamics in Biochemical Engineering
Urs von Stockar, Luuk A. M. van der Wielen, 2013
A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar (Biblical Languages Series)
Christo H. J. Van Der Merwe, Jackie A. Naude, Jan H. Kroeze, 1999
A Biblical Hebrew Reference Grammar (Biblical Languages: Hebrew)
Christo H. J. Merwe, Christo H. J. Van Der Merwe, Jan H. Kroeze, 1999
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation: An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB
Ferdinand van der Heijden, Robert Duin, Dick de Ridder, David M. J. Tax, 2004
Classification, parameter estimation, and state estimation: an engineering approach using MATLAB
Ferdinand van der Heijden, Robert Duin, Dick de Ridder, David M. J. Tax, 2004
Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation: An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB
Ferdinand van der Heijden, Robert Duin, Dick de Ridder, David M. J. Tax, 2004
Hydraulic Design in Water Resources Engineering: Land Drainage: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Southampton University, U.K. April 1986
W. H. van der Molen (auth.), K. V. H. Smith, D. W. Rycroft (eds.), 1986
Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript
Rex van der Spuy (auth.), 2015
Advanced Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript
Rex van der Spuy, 2015
75 Years of Aerospace Research in the Netherlands. 1919 - 1994
van der Bliek J. A., 1994
A Bayesian Approach to Selection and Ranking Procedures: The Unequal Variance Case
Van Der Merwe A. J., Du Plessis J. L., 1996