کتاب های H. W. Berendt

Der Stoffwechsel: Erster Teil
F. W. Krzywanek, B. Flaschenträger (auth.), H. W. Berendt, F. L. Breusch, K. Felix, B. Flaschenträger, K. Hinsberg, F. Holtz, E. Jorpes, F. W. Krzywanek, K. Lang, F. Leuthardt, C. Martius, H. Netter, E. Schütte, G. Siebert, W. Siedel, Z. Stary, Hj. Staudinger, G. Stoeck, E. Strack, O. Wiss, K. Zipf (eds.), 1954
Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, October 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Bettina Berendt, Thomas Engel, Demosthenes Ikonomou, Daniel Le Métayer, Stefan Schiffner (eds.), 2016
WEBKDD 2001 — Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points: Third International Workshop San Francisco, CA, USA, August 26, 2001 Revised Papers
Bettina Berendt (auth.), Ron Kohavi, Brij M. Masand, Myra Spiliopoulou, Jaideep Srivastava (eds.), 2002
WEBKDD 2001 — Mining Web Log Data Across All Customers Touch Points: Third International Workshop San Francisco, CA, USA, August 26, 2001 Revised Papers
Bettina Berendt (auth.), Ron Kohavi, Brij M. Masand, Myra Spiliopoulou, Jaideep Srivastava (eds.), 2002
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
John Berendt, 1999
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
John Berendt, 1999
The Jazz Book: From Ragtime to the 21st Century
Joachim-Ernst Berendt, 2009
Metaphors for Learning: Cross-cultural Perspectives (Human Cognitive Processing)
Erich A. Berendt, 2008
Quieting: A Practical Guide to Noise Control
Raymond D. Berendt, 2000
Hiding My Candy: The Autobiography of the Grand Empress of Savannah
The Lady Chablis, Theodore Bouloukos, John Berendt, 1997