کتاب های Han C.g Kemper (auth.)

Business Intelligence – Arbeits- und Übungsbuch. Glossar, Aufgaben, Lösungsskizzen
Hans-Georg Kemper, 2008
Constraints on Language: Aging, Grammar and Memory
Susan Kemper, 1999
Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide
Lewis Kemper, 2010
Photographing Yosemite Digital Field Guide
Lewis Kemper, 2010
Studying Islam in the Soviet Union (Vor Rechtsgeleerdheid)
Michael Kemper, 2009
Uebungsbuch Datenbanksysteme
Kemper A., 2009
Umkämpfter öffentlicher Raum: Herausforderungen für Planung und Jugendarbeit
Raimund Kemper, 2015
Introdução à engenharia mecânica
Jonathan Wickert , Kemper Lewis, 2016
The Piety of Learning: Islamic Studies in Honor of Stefan Reichmuth
Michael Kemper, Ralf Elger, 2017
An Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
Jonathan Wickert; Kemper Lewis, 2016
Reassessing Orientalism: Interlocking Orientologies During the Cold War
Michael Kemper; Artemy M. Kalinovsky, 2015
The Heritage of Soviet Oriental Studies
Michael Kemper; Stephan Conermann, 2011
Deutsche Lyrik der frühen Neuzeit. Bd. 2. Konfessionalismus
Hans-Georg Kemper, 1987
Elementary Forms of Social Relations: Status, Power and Reference Groups
Theodore D. Kemper, 2016
Some of the Best from Tor.com: 2019 Edition
Elizabeth Bear; Siobhan Carroll; John Chu; Greg Egan; Kathleen Ann Goonan; S. L. Huang; Carole Johnstone; KJ Kabza; Erinn L. Kemper; Mary Robinette Kowal; Rich Larson; M. Evan MacGriogair; Seanan McGuire; Lis Mitchell; Mimi Mondal; Annalee Newitz; Silvia Park; Laurie Penny; Brenda Peynado; Christopher Rowe; Rivers Solomon; Karin Tidbeck; JY Neon Yang; E. Lily Yu, 2020
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Technology Symposium: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges in the Brazilian Technology, Volume 2
Yuzo Iano, Rangel Arthur, Osamu Saotome, Guillermo Kemper, Ana Carolina Borges Monteiro, 2021
Proceedings of the 5th Brazilian Technology Symposium: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges in the Brazilian Technology, Volume 1
Yuzo Iano, Rangel Arthur, Osamu Saotome, Guillermo Kemper, Reinaldo Padilha França, 2021
Genealogy of the Kemper Family in the United States
Willis Miller Kemper; Harry Linn Wright, 1899
From Tribute to Communal Sovereignty: The Tarascan and Caxcan Territories in Transition
Andrew Roth-Seneff; Robert Kemper; Julie Adkins, 2015
Pediatric infectious diseases : essentials for practice
Alex R. Kemper (editor); Samir S. Shah (editor); Adam J. Ratner (editor), 2019
Klassismus: Eine Einführung
Andreas Kemper; Heike Weinbach, 2018
Rescued from the Nation: Anagarika Dharmapala and the Buddhist World
Steven Kemper, 2014