کتاب های Hardle W.

Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Léopold Simar (auth.), 2015
Applied Nonparametric Regression
Wolfgang Härdle, 1992
Applied Nonparametric Regression
Wolfgang Härdle, 1992
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Hardle, Simar., 2003
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2003
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2007
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2008
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2009
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2007
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Hardle Et Al, 2007
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, Leopold Simar, 2003
Handbook of Data Visualization (Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics)
Chun-houh Chen, Wolfgang Hardle, Antony Unwin (Editors), 2008
Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis: Proceedings of a Workshop Organized by the Sonderforschungsbereich 123 “Stochastische Mathematische Modelle”, Heidelberg 1983
Hirotugu Akaike (auth.), Jürgen Franke, Wolfgang Härdle, Douglas Martin (eds.), 1984
Handbook of Data Visualization (Springer Handbooks of Computational Statistics)
Chun-houh Chen, Wolfgang K. Härdle, Antony Unwin, 2008
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, 2007
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, 2012
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, 2012
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Wolfgang Härdle, 2003
Applied Quantitative Finance
W. Härdle, 2002
Applied Quantitative Finance
W. Härdle, 2002
Applied Quantitative Finance
Wolfgang Karl Härdle, 2008
Applied Quantitative Finance
Wolfgang Härdle, 2008
Applied Quantitative Finance
Hardle, 2002
Applied Quantitative Finance: Theory and Computational Tools
Wolfgang Härdle, 2002