کتاب های Harold D.

The Hero's Journey (Bloom's Literary Themes)
Harold Bloom (Editor), 2009
The Iliad (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Harold Bloom, 2006
The Italian Renaissance (Bloom's Period Studies)
Harold Bloom, 2004
The Labyrinth (Bloom's Literary Themes)
Harold Bloom, 2009
The Merchant of Venice (Bloom's Shakespeare Through the Ages)
Harold Bloom, 2007
The Odyssey (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Harold Bloom, 2007
The Romantic Poets (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
Harold Bloom, 2011
The Shadow of a Great Rock: A Literary Appreciation of the King James Bible
Harold Bloom, 2011
The Sonnets (Bloom's Shakespeare Through the Ages)
Harold Bloom, 2008
The Sublime (Bloom's Literary Themes)
Harold Bloom (Editor), 2010
The Taboo
Harold Bloom, 2010
The Taboo
Harold Bloom, 2010
The Tale of Genji (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Harold Bloom, 2004
The Taming of the Shrew (Bloom's Shakespeare Through the Ages)
Harold Bloom, 2007
The Tempest (Bloom's Shakespeare Through the Ages)
Harold Bloom, 2007
The Trickster
Harold Bloom, 2010
The Trickster (Bloom's Literary Themes)
Harold Bloom (Editor) Blake Hobby (Volume Editor), 2010
The Victorian Novel (Bloom's Period Studies)
Harold Bloom, 2004
The Visionary Company
Harold Bloom, 1961
T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land (Bloom's Modern Critical Interpretations)
Harold Bloom, 2006
T.S. Eliot (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
Harold Bloom, 2010
Tennesse Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire (Bloom's Guides)
Harold Bloom, 2006