کتاب های Helmut Lill

Biothiols, Part B: Glutathione and Thioredoxin: Thiols in Signal Transduction and Gene Regulation
John N. Abelson, Melvin I. Simon, Helmut Sies, 1995
Bluff-Body Wakes, Dynamics and Instabilities: IUTAM Symposium, Göttingen, Germany September 7–11, 1992
P. W. Bearman (auth.), Prof. Dr. Helmut Eckelmann, Prof. Dr. J. Michael R. Graham, Prof. Dr. Patrick Huerre, Prof. Dr. Peter A. Monkewitz (eds.), 1993
Agilität durch ARIS Geschäftsprozessmanagement: Jahrbuch Business Process Excellence 2006/2007
August-Wilhelm Scheer, Helmut Kruppke, Wolfram Jost, Herbert Kindermann, 2006
Agility by ARIS Business Process Management: Yearbook Business Process Excellence 2006/2007
August-Wilhelm Scheer, Helmut Kruppke, Wolfram Jost, Herbert Kindermann, 2006
25 Years of Model Checking: History, Achievements, Perspectives
Edmund M. Clarke (auth.), Orna Grumberg, Helmut Veith (eds.), 2008
25 Years of Model Checking: History, Achievements, Perspectives
Edmund M. Clarke (auth.), Orna Grumberg, Helmut Veith (eds.), 2008
A Guide to LaTeX: Tools and Technologies for Computer Typesetting
Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly, 2003
Introduction to Cryptography: Principles and Applications
Hans Delfs, Helmut Knebl, 2007
Introduction to Cryptography: Principles and Applications
Hans Delfs, Helmut Knebl, 2015
Compiler Design: Analysis and Transformation
Helmut Seidl, Reinhard Wilhelm, Sebastian Hack (auth.), 2012
Compiler Design: Analysis and Transformation
Helmut Seidl, Reinhard Wilhelm, Sebastian Hack (auth.), 2012
Guide to LaTeX
Helmut Kopka, Patrick W. Daly, 2003
Elementare Differentialgeometrie mit Maple
Prof. Dr. Helmut Reckziegel, Markus Kriener, Dipl.-Math. Knut Pawel (auth.), 1998
Die Atmosphäre der Erde: eine Einführung in die Meteorologie
Helmut Kraus, 2004
Advanced Radiation Sources and Applications
Helmut Wiedemann, 2005
Alcohol in Health and Disease
Dharam Agarwal, Helmut K. Seitz, 2001
Als Christ in der politischen Entscheidung
Helmut Schmidt, 1976
Cognitive Systems: Joint Chinese-German Workshop, Shanghai, China, March 7-11, 2005, Revised Selected Papers
Christoph Benzmüller, Helmut Horacek, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová, Manfred Pinkal (auth.), Ruqian Lu, Jörg H. Siekmann, Carsten Ullrich (eds.), 2007
Advances in Catalysis, Vol. 44
Werner O. Haag, Bruce C. Gates, Helmut Knözinger (Eds.), 1999
Mathematische Modelle und Verfahren der Unternehmensforschung für die Lösung ökonomischer Probleme
Dipl. -Ing. oec. Dieter Angermann, Dipl. -Math. Johannes Frotscher, Dipl. -Ing. oec. Horst Facklam, Ing. Hans-Hennry Herbig, Dipl. -Math. Dr. rer. oec. Helmut Jüttler, Dipl. -Math. Dr. rer. oec. Dieter Schreiter, Dipl. -Math. Dietrich Schubert, Dipl. -Math. Sigrid Schwetlick, Dipl. -Math. Rainer Weber, Dipl. -Math. Heinz Werner, Dipl. -Wi. -Math. Gottfried Wildenhain (auth.), Ing. Kurt Heidenreich (eds.), 1968
Performance Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems. Milestones and Future Challenges: IFIP WG 6.3/7.3 International Workshop, PERFORM 2010, in Honor of Günter Haring on the Occasion of His Emeritus Celebration, Vienna, Austria, October 14-16, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Raymond A. Marie (auth.), Karin Anna Hummel, Helmut Hlavacs, Wilfried Gansterer (eds.), 2011
Advances in Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Optimal Control
Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty, Adam Korytowski, Helmut Maurer, Maciej Szymkat (eds.), 2016