کتاب های Henk Bos (auth.)
درباره نویسنده

The Inter-Relationship Between Irrigation, Drainage and the Environment in the Aral Sea Basin
Dr Marinus G. Bos (auth.), Dr Marinus G. Bos (eds.), 1996
Social History of Nineteenth Century Mathematics
Henk Bos (auth.), 1981
Redefining Geometrical Exactness: Descartes’ Transformation of the Early Modern Concept of Construction
Henk J. M. Bos (auth.), 2001
Grinding and honing Part 2.
Henk Bos, 2012
Grinding and honing Part 1.
Henk Bos, 2011
Lectures in the History of Mathematics
Henk J. M. Bos, 1993
Geographical Information Systems for Urban and Regional Planning
Henk J. Scholten, John C. H. Stillwell (auth.), Henk J. Scholten, John C. H. Stillwell (eds.), 1990
Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science
Niels van Manen, Henk J. Scholten (auth.), Prof. Henk J. Scholten, Drs. Rob van de Velde, Niels van Manen (eds.), 2009
Perspectives on Aspect
Angeliek van Hout, Henriëtte de Swart, Henk J. Verkuyl (auth.), Henk J. Verkuyl, Henriette de Swart, Angeliek van Hout (eds.), 2005
Artificial Intelligence in Industrial Decision Making, Control and Automation
Spyros Tzafestas, Henk Verbruggen (auth.), Professor Spyros G. Tzafestas, Henk B. Verbruggen (eds.), 1995
Handbook of Global Bioethics
Prof. Henk A. M. J. ten Have, Prof. Bert Gordijn (auth.), Henk A.M.J. ten Have, Bert Gordijn (eds.), 2014
Biochemistry of Cell Membranes: A Compendium of Selected Topics
J. L. Bos, B. M. T. Burgering, G. J. Pronk, A. M. M. de Vries-Smits, J. P. Medema (auth.), Prof. Dr. S. Papa, Prof. Dr. J. M. Tager (eds.), 1995
Advances in Natural Language Processing: 6th International Conference, GoTAL 2008 Gothenburg, Sweden, August 25-27, 2008 Proceedings
Johan Bos (auth.), Bengt Nordström, Aarne Ranta (eds.), 2008
Advances in Cryptology — CRYPTO’ 92: 12th Annual International Cryptology Conference Santa Barbara, California, USA August 16–20, 1992 Proceedings
Jurjen N. E. Bos, David Chaum (auth.), Ernest F. Brickell (eds.), 1993
ICAF 2009, Bridging the Gap between Theory and Operational Practice: Proceedings of the 25th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue, Rotterdam, The Netherlands,27–29 May 2009
R. Best, Th. Fleischer, M. Götze, M. Sachse, M. Semsch (auth.), M. J. Bos (eds.), 2009
For Dirk Struik: Scientific, Historical and Political Essays in Honor of Dirk J. Struik
H. J. M. Bos (auth.), Robert S. Cohen, John J. Stachel, Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.), 1974
Advanced Psychosomatic Research in Obstetrics and Gynecology
G. Bos-Branolte, Y. M. Rijshouwer, E. M. Zielstra, H. J. Duivenvoorden (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dietmar Richter, Dr. Johannes Bitzer, Prof. Dr. Piet Nijs (eds.), 1991
Economic Theory of Public Enterprise
Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Bös (auth.), 1981
GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques in Land- and Water-management
Marinus G. Bos (auth.), 2001
German-Jewish Literature in the Wake of the Holocaust: Grete Weil, Ruth Klüger and the Politics of Address
Pascale R. Bos (auth.), 2005
Long-Throated Flumes and Broad-Crested Weirs
M. G. Bos (auth.), 1984
Numerical Shape Optimization in Structural Acoustics
Joachim Bos, 2004