کتاب های Henk Broer

Vonnegut and Hemingway: Writers at War
Lawrence Broer, Lawrence R. Broer, 2011
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Henk Broer, 2011
Dynamical systems and chaos
Henk Broer, 2011
Dynamical Systems and Chaos
Henk Broer, 2011
Dynamical systems and bifurcations. Proc. Groningen 1984
Boele Braaksma, Hendrik Broer, Floris Takens, 1985
Dynamical Systems and Bifurcations: Proceedings of a Workshop held in Groningen The Netherlands, April 16–20, 1984
Marc Chaperon (auth.), Boele L. J. Braaksma, Hendrik W. Broer, Floris Takens (eds.), 1985
Dynamical systems and applications
Boele Braaksma, Hendrik Broer, Floris Takens, 1995
Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems: Order amidst Chaos
Hendrik W. Broer, 1996
Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems: Order amidst Chaos
Hendrik W. Broer, 2002
Quasi-Periodic Motions in Families of Dynamical Systems: Order amidst Chaos
Hendrik W. Broer, 1996
Lie Theory and Geometry: In Honor of Bertram Kostant
Bram Broer (auth.), 1994
Metal Clusters at Surfaces: Structure, Quantum Properties, Physical Chemistry
Professor Dr. Karl-Heinz Meiwes-Broer (auth.), 2000
Dynamics Reported: Expositions in Dynamical Systems
H. W. Broer, 1992
Pension Policies and Public Debt in Dynamic CGE Models
D. Peter Broer, 1997
Neoclassical Theory and Empirical Models of Aggregate Firm Behaviour
D. P. Broer (auth.), 1986
Sanity Plea: Schizophrenia in the Novels of Kurt Vonnegut
Lawrence R. Broer, 1994
Hemingway and Women: Female Critics and the Female Voice
Lawrence R. Broer, 2004