کتاب های Herman, Carl A.

Translating for Singing: The Theory, Art and Craft of Translating Lyrics
Ronnie Apter, Mark Herman, 2016
Destabilizing Milton: “Paradise Lost” and the Poetics of Incertitude
Peter C. Herman (auth.), 2005
Mixing and Dispersion in Flows Dominated by Rotation and Buoyancy
Herman J.H. Clercx, GertJan F. Van Heijst (eds.), 2018
Neural Control of Locomotion
Richard M. Herman, Sten Grillner, Paul S. G. Stein, Douglas G. Stuart (eds.), 1976
Abolitionism:Towards a non-repressive approach to crime
Herman Bianchi, René van Swaaningen, 1985
La preistoria dell’italiano
Herman, József; Marinetti, Anna; Mondin, Luca, 2011
The Practice of Moral Judgment
Barbara Herman, 1993
Du latin aux langues romanes II: Nouvelles études de linguistique historique
Herman, J.; Varvaro, A.; Kiss, S., 2006
Latin vulgaire - latin tardif I
Herman, József (ed.), 1987
Fixing Language: An Essay on Conceptual Engineering
Herman Cappelen, 2018
Chemia całkiem prosta
Raaf Herman
Zbiór zadań z fizyki : elektryczność i magnetyzm
W. Brański, M. A. Herman, L. Widomski, 1981
Applied psychology in human resource management
Aguinis, Herman; Cascio, Wayne F., 2014
Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory
David Herman, Manfred Jahn, Marie-Laure Ryan, 2005
Theories of the Mobile Internet: Materialities and Imaginaries
Andrew Herman, Jan Hadlaw, Thom Swiss, 2014
Theories of the Mobile Internet: Materialities and Imaginaries
Andrew Herman, Jan Hadlaw, Thom Swiss, 2014
Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps: Head and Neck
Berish Strauch, Luis O. Vasconez, Charles K. Herman, Bernard T. Lee, 2015
Grabb’s Encyclopedia of Flaps: Upper Extremities, Torso, Pelvis, and Lower Extremities
Berish Strauch, Luis O. Vasconez, Charles K. Herman, Bernard T. Lee
Performance management.
Aguinis, Herman, 2014
Uriel Da Costa’s Examination of Pharisaic Traditions, Supplemented by Semuel Da Silva’s Treatise on the Immortality of the Soul
Herman Prins Salomon, Isaac S.D. Sassoon (trans.,ann.), 1993
Narratology beyond the Human: Storytelling and Animal Life
David Herman, 2018
Old Pa Anderson
Herman Yves H.
Geography and the Political Imaginary in the Novels of Toni Morrison
Herman Beavers, 2018
[美]爱德华·S.赫尔曼; 诺姆·乔姆斯基; Edward S. Herman ; Noam Chomsky ; 邵红松 (译), 2011