کتاب های Hon. F.r.c.p.

Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology: A Textbook of Medical Imaging
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney, 8th Edition
Barry M. Brenner MD AM(Hon) DSc(Hon) DMSc(Hon) FRCP(Lond Hon), 2007
Benner & Rector's the Kidney
Barry M. Brenner MDAM(Hon)DSc(Hon)DMSc(Hon)FRCP(LondHon), 2003
Brenner and Rector's The Kidney: 2-Volume Set
Barry M. Brenner MDAM(Hon)DSc(Hon)DMSc(Hon)FRCP(LondHon), 2007
Medical Education and Manpower in the EEC: Proceedings of a Symposium organized by Fondazione Smith Kline at Stresa, Italy, 1–4 October 1982
Professor Sir John Walton TD, MD, DSc, FRCP, T. B. Binns FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Glasg), DCH (eds.), 1984
A Concise Encyclopaedia of Psychiatry
Denis Leigh MD BSc FRCP, C. M. B. Pare MD FRCP DPM (auth.), Denis Leigh MD BSc FRCP, C. M. B. Pare MD FRCP DPM, John Marks MA MD MRCP FRCPath (eds.), 1981
Allgemeine Pathologie: Ein Bilderlehrbuch
PhD FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCOG FRCPath Alasdair D. T. Govan, MBChB FRCP (Glas) FRCP (Edin) FRCPath Peter S. Macfarlane, FFPh FMAA AIMBI Robin Callander (auth.), 1991
Clinical Pharmacology
Morris J. Brown MA MSc FRCP FAHA FBPharmacolS FMedSci (editor), Pankaj Sharma MD PhD FRCP (editor), Fraz Mir MAFRCP (editor), Peter N. Bennett MD FRCP (editor), 2018
Current Surgical Therapy: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 11e
John L. Cameron MDFACSFRCS(Eng) (hon)FRCS(Ed) (hon)FRCSI(hon), Andrew M Cameron MDPhDFACS, 2013
Obstetrics for Students
Lance Townsend Kt., V.R.D., M.D., B.S., D.T.M. & H., F.R.C.S. (Edin.), F.A.C.S., F.R.A.C.S., F.R.C.O.G., Hon. F.R.C.S. (C), Hon. F.A.C.O.G., Hon. F.C.O.G. (S.A.) (auth.), 1978
Cirugía y oncología de cabeza y cuello
Jatin P. Shah, MD, MS (Surg), FACS, Hon. FRCS (Edin), Hon. FRACS, Hon. FDSRCS (Lond),, 2004
The Eye: Basic Sciences in Practice, 4e
John V Forrester MBChBMDFRCS(Ed)FRCP(Glasg) (Hon)FRCOphth (Hon)FMedSciFRSEFARVO, 2015
Clinical Management of Renal Transplantation
Mary G. Mcgeown (auth.), Mary G. McGeown CBE, DSc (Hon), DMSc (Hon), MD, PhD, FRCP (Lon., Edin., 1992
Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 2 Vol Set: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
Peter Libby MDPhD, Robert O. Bonow MDMS, Douglas L. Mann MD, Gordon F. Tomaselli MD, Deepak Bhatt MDMPHFACCFAHAFSCAIFESC, Scott D. Solomon MD, Eugene Braunwald MDMD(Hon)ScD(Hon)FRCP, 2021
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Expert Consult, 9e
Roger G. Finch MB BSFRCPFRCP(Ed)FRCPathFFPM, David Greenwood BScPhDDScFRCPath, Richard J. Whitley MD, S. Ragnar Norrby MDPhDFRCP, 2010
ARDS Acute Respiratory Distress in Adults
John F. Murray (auth.), Timothy W. Evans MD, FRCP, PhD, Christopher Haslett FRCP, FRCP (Edin) (eds.), 1996
AIDS and Respiratory Medicine
Jacques Chrétien, Donald A. Enarson (auth.), Alimuddin Zumla BSc MB ChB MSc PhD FRCP, Margaret Johnson MD, FRCP, Robert Miller MB FRCP (eds.), 1997
Mc: Alpine's Multiple Sclerosis
Alastair Compston, PhD FRCP FMedSci, Christian Confavreux, MD, Hans Lassmann, MD, Ian McDonald, PhD FRCP FMedSci, David Miller, MD FRCP FRACP, John Noseworthy, MD FRCPC, Kenneth Smith, PhD,, 2006
Colorectal Surgery: Living Pathology in the Operating Room
Mark Killingback AM, MS(Hon), FACS(Hon), FRACS, FRCS, FRCSEd (auth.), 2006
3D Multiscale Physiological Human
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Hon Fai Choi, Daniel Thalmann (auth.), Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Osman Ratib, Hon Fai Choi (eds.), 2014
Myocardial Ischemia and Preconditioning
Gianmario Sambuceti MD, Mario Marzilli, Andrea Mari, Cecilia Marini, Mathis Schluter (auth.), Naranjan S. Dhalla PhD, MD (Hon), DSc (Hon), Nobuakira Takeda MD, PhD, Manjeet Singh PhD, Anton Lukas PhD (eds.), 2003
Current Therapy in Colon and Rectal Surgery
Victor W. Fazio, MB, MS, MD (Hon), FRACS, FRACS (Hon), FACS, FRCS, FRCS (Ed), James M. Church, MBChB, M Med Sci, FRACS,, 2005
Sports injuries : mechanisms, prevention, treatment
Freddie H. Fu MDDSci(Hon)DPs(Hon), 2001
Travel Medicine: Proceedings of the First Conference on International Travel Medicine, Zürich, Switzerland, 5–8 April 1988
D. J. Bradley (auth.), PD Dr. med. Robert Steffen, Dr. Hans Lobel, Dr. James Haworth, Professor David J. Bradley MA, DM, FRCPath, FFCM, FRCP, FlBiol, Hon. FlPHE (eds.), 1989