کتاب های Humberto Bustince

Bio-inspired Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition
Humberto Bustince, Miguel Pagola, Aranzazu Jurio, Edurne Barrenechea, Javier Fernández (auth.), Patricia Melin, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (eds.), 2009
Aggregation Functions in Theory and in Practise: Proceedings of the 7th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators at the Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, July 16-20, 2013
Michał Baczyński (auth.), Humberto Bustince, Javier Fernandez, Radko Mesiar, Tomasas Calvo (eds.), 2013
A Practical Guide to Averaging Functions
Beliakov, Gleb; Bustince Sola, Humberto; Calvo Sánchez, Tomasa, 2016