کتاب های I Ming Hsing

Asset Pricing
Jianping Mei, Prof. Hsien-Hsing Liao, Jianping Mei, Hsien-Hsing Liao, 2003
Global Perspective for Competitive Enterprise, Economy and Ecology: Proceedings of the 16th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering
Ming-Hsien Yang, Shu-Hsing Chung, Ching-Kuei Kao (auth.), Shuo-Yan Chou, Amy Trappey, Jerzy Pokojski, Shana Smith (eds.), 2009
Nanobiosensors and Nanobioanalyses
Mun'delanji C. Vestergaard, Kagan Kerman, I-Ming Hsing, Eiichi Tamiya (eds.), 2015
Graph theory and interconnection networks
Lih-Hsing Hsu, Cheng-Kuan Lin, 2009
Graph Theory and Interconnection Networks
Lih-Hsing Hsu, Cheng-Kuan Lin, 2008
Vehicle Safety Communications: Protocols, Security, and Privacy
Luca Delgrossi, Tao Zhang(auth.), T. Russell Hsing, Vincent K. N. Lau(eds.)
Baptized in the fire of revolution: the American social gospel and the YMCA in China, 1919-1937
Chün Hsing, Jun Xing, 1996
3D-Groundwater Modeling with PMWIN: A Simulation System for Modeling Groundwater Flow and Pollution
Professor Dr.-Ing. Wen-Hsing Chiang, Professor Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Kinzelbach (auth.), 2003
Altlastenhandbuch des Landes Niedersachsen Materialienband: Berechnungsverfahren und Modelle
Wen-Hsing Chiang, C. Cordes, S. Z. Fang, Wolfgang Kinzelbach, Randolf Rausch, Jean-Pierre Sauty, Axel Voss (auth.), 1996
The Great Urban Transformation: Politics and Property in China
You-tien Hsing, 2010
The Exclusionary Rule of Evidence: Comparative Analysis and Proposals for Reform
Kuo-hsing Hsieh, 2014
Calcium and Phosphate Metabolism Management in Chronic Renal Disease
Chen Hsing Hsu MD (auth.), 2006
Chinese Mind-body Boxing
Hsing-I, 2003
Reclaiming Chinese Society: The New Social Activism
You-tien Hsing, 2009
Asia as Method: Toward Deimperialization
Kuan-Hsing Chen, 2010
The Great Urban Transformation: Politics of Land and Property in China
You-tien Hsing, 2012
Liu Hu-Lan: Story of a Girl Revolutionary
Liang Hsing, 1953
Theoretical Foundations of Functional Data Analysis, with an Introduction to Linear Operators
Tailen Hsing, Randall Eubank, 2015