کتاب های Ian Low (editor)

Advances in Invertebrate (Neuro)Endocrinology-A Collection of Reviews in the Post-Genomic Era, Volume 2: Arthropoda
Saber Saleuddin (Editor); Angela B. Lange (Editor); Ian Orchard (Editor), 2020
Advances in Invertebrate (Neuro)Endocrinology (2-volume set)-A Collection of Reviews in the Post-Genomic Era
Saber Saleuddin (Editor); Angela B. Lange (Editor); Ian Orchard (Editor), 2019
Handbook of Meta-Analysis
Christopher H. Schmid (editor), Theo Stijnen (editor), Ian R. White (editor), 2020
Hans Kelsen and the Natural Law Tradition
Peter Langford (editor), Ian Bryan (editor), John McGarry (editor), 2019
Transnational Solidarity: Concept, Challenges and Opportunities
Helle Krunke (editor), Hanne Petersen (editor), Ian Manners (editor), 2020
Deleuze, Guattari and India: Exploring a Post-Postcolonial Multiplicity
Ian Buchanan (editor), George Varghese K (editor), Manoj N. Y. (editor), 2021
Transnational Solidarity: Concept, Challenges and Opportunities
Helle Krunke (editor), Hanne Petersen (editor), Ian Manners (editor), 2020
Skull Base Surgery (Springer Surgery Atlas Series)
Anthony Cheesman (editor), Ghassan Alusi (editor), H. Ian Sabin (editor), 2021
A Companion to Public Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
Lee McIntyre (editor), Nancy McHugh (editor), Ian Olasov (editor), 2022
MRI of Tissues with Short T2s or T2*s
Gary D. Fullerton (editor), Graeme M. Bydder (editor), Ian R. Young (editor), 2013
Handbook of Meta-Analysis (Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods)
Christopher H. Schmid (editor), Theo Stijnen (editor), Ian White (editor), 2021
The Routledge Companion to Spatial History (Routledge Companions)
Ian Gregory (editor), Don DeBats (editor), Don Lafreniere (editor), 2018
The Routledge Companion to Spatial History (Routledge Companions)
Ian Gregory (editor), Don DeBats (editor), Don Lafreniere (editor), 2018
Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021): Volume IV: Healthcare and Healthy Work (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 222)
Nancy L. Black (editor), W. Patrick Neumann (editor), Ian Noy (editor), 2021
Metabolic Profiling: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2891)
Olga Deda (editor), Helen G. Gika (editor), Ian D. Wilson (editor), 2025
Ecological Economics from the Ground Up
Hali Healy (Editor), Joan Martínez-Alier (Editor), Leah Temper (Editor), Mariana Walter (Editor), Julien-François Gerber (Editor), 2013
The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap, Volume 1: Early Writings
Rudolf Carnap, A. W. Carus (Editor), Michael Friedman (Editor), Wolfgang Kienzler (Editor), Alan Richardson (Editor), Sven Schlotter (Editor), 2019
Kenkichi Iwasawa Collected Papers
Kenkichi Iwasawa (Author), Ichiro Satake (Editor), Genjiro Fujisaki (Editor), Kato Kazuya (Editor), Masato Kurihara (Editor), Shoichi Nakajima (Editor), John Coates (Contributor), 2014
Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Rafael Aguilar (editor), Daniel Torrealva (editor), Susana Moreira (editor), Miguel Pando (editor), Luis F. Ramos (editor), 2018
Social Policy in a Cold Climate: Policies and Their Consequences since the Crisis
Ruth Lupton (editor), Tania Burchardt (editor), John Hills (editor), Kitty Stewart (editor), Polly Vizard (editor), 2016
The Atmosphere and Climate of Mars
Robert M. Haberle (editor), R. Todd Clancy (editor), François Forget (editor), Michael D. Smith (editor), Richard W. Zurek (editor), 2017
Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Resource Recovery from Wastes
Sunita Varjani (editor), Ashok Pandey (editor), Edgard Gnansounou (editor), Samir Kumar Khanal (editor), Sindhu Raveendran (editor), 2020
Priming-Mediated Stress and Cross-Stress Tolerance in Crop Plants
Mohammad Anwar Hossain (editor), Dr. Fulai Liu (editor), David Burritt (editor), Masayuki Fujita (editor), Bingru Huang (editor), 2020
Nanomaterials in Plants, Algae, and Microorganisms: Concepts and Controversies: Volume 1
Durgesh Kumar Tripathi (editor), Parvaiz Ahmad (editor), Shivesh Sharma (editor), Devendra Kumar Chauhan Professor (editor), Nawal Kishore Dubey Professor (editor), 2017