کتاب های Ian Ward (auth.)

Ingenieria del Software - 7Ed Spanish
Ian Sommerville, 2005
Requirements Engineering - A Good Practice Guide
Sommerville, Ian, 1997
Software engineering
Ian Sommerville, 2011
Software engineering
Ian Sommerville, 2007
Software Engineering (6th Edition)
Ian Sommerville, 2000
Software Engineering, 9th Edition
Ian Sommerville, 2011
Software Engineering: (Update) (8th Edition)
Ian Sommerville, 2006
Software Engineering: (Update) (8th Edition)
Ian Sommerville, 2006
Givenness and God : questions of Jean-Luc Marion
Leask, Ian Graham, 2005
Game, Set, and Math: Enigmas and Conundrums
Ian Stewart, 1989
Tratado de medicina de urgencias pediátricas
Peter Cameron, MBBS MD FACEM, George Jelinek, MD MBBS Dip DHM FACEM, Ian Everitt, MBBS Dip Anat FRACP FACEM, Gary Browne, MD MBBS MSpMed FRACP FACEM,, 2007
Wireless Mesh Networks (Advanced Texts in Communications and Networking)
Ian Akyildiz, 2009
Let It Bleed
Ian Rankin, 2008
Mortal Causes
Ian Rankin, 1995
Art and Archaeology: Collaborations, Conversations, Criticisms
Ian Alden Russell, 2014
Theory and Design of Microwave Filters (IEE Electromagnetic Waves Series)
Ian C. Hunter, 2001
AAGBI Core Topics in Anaesthesia 2012
Ian Johnston, 2011
Creating a Dialectical Social Science: Concepts, Methods, and Models
Ian I. Mitroff, 1981
Plastische Chirurgie: Grundlagen und klinische Anwendungen
Ian A. McGregor M.B., 1987
Wellbeing in Developing Countries: From Theory to Research
Ian Gough, 2007
Civil Avionics Systems
Ian Moir, 2013
Design and Development of Aircraft Systems
Ian Moir, 2012