کتاب های Ib A. Svendsen

Trust, Social Capital and the Scandinavian Welfare State: Explaining the Flight of the Bumblebee
Gunnar Lind Haase Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, 2016
Case studies in participatory irrigation management, Page 273
David Groenfeldt, Mark Svendsen, World Bank, 2000
A Philosophy of Boredom
Lars Svendsen, 2008
Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research
Clive Niels Svendsen, Allison D. Ebert, 2008
Encyclopedia of Stem Cell Research (2 Vol.Set)
Clive Niels Svendsen, Allison D. Ebert, 2008
A philosophy of boredom
Lars Svendsen & John Irons, 2005
Chromatography of alkaloids: Part A: thin-layer chromatography
A. Baerheim Svendsen and R. Verpoorte (Eds.), 1983
Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics
Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, 2009
Handbook of Social Capital: The Troika of Sociology, Political Science and Economics
Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, 2009
A Philosophy of Freedom
Lars Svendsen, 2014
Irrigation and River Basin Management:
Mark Svendsen, 2005
A Philosophy of Fear
Lars Svendsen, 2008
A Philosophy of Freedom
Lars Svendsen, 2014
Intelligence Cooperation and the War on Terror Anglo-American Security Relations after 9 11
Adam D.M. Svendsen, 2009
Words We Call Home: Celebrating Creative Writing at UBC
Linda Svendsen, 1990
Introduction to Nearshore Hydrodynamics
Ib A. Svendsen, 2006
Introduction To Nearshore Hydrodynamics
Ib A. Svendsen, 2006
Enzyme Functionality Design Engineering And Screening.Svendsen
Allan Svendsen, 2003
Enzyme Functionality: Design: Engineering, and Screening
Allan Svendsen, 2003
Advances in Extended and Multifield Theories for Continua
Bob Svendsen (auth.), 2011
Understanding Enzymes: Function, Design, Engineering, and Analysis
Svendsen, Allan, 2016
Understanding enzymes
Svendsen, Allan, 2016
A philosophy of boredom
Lars Svendsen, 2005
A Philosophy of Loneliness
Lars Svendsen, 2017