کتاب های Icko Iben

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans Karl Iben (auth.), 1995
The Danish Way of Parenting: What the Happiest People in the World Know About Raising Confident, Capable Kids
Jessica Joelle Alexander, Iben Sandahl, 2016
Crusading on the Edge: Ideas and Practice of Crusading in Iberia and the Baltic Region, 1100-1500
Torben Kjersgaard Nielsen; Iben Fonnesberg-Schmidt, 2016
Crianças dinamarquesas: O que as pessoas mais felizes do mundo sabem sobre criar filhos confiantes e capazes
Jessica Joelle Alexander, Iben Dissing Sandahl, 2017
Cómo Criar Niños Felices
Jessica Joelle Alexander & Iben Dissing Sandahl, 2016
Gyereknevelés dán módra
Jessica Joelle Alexander, Iben Dissing Sandahl, 2017
Music Radio: Building Communities, Mediating Genres
Morten Michelsen (editor), Mads Krogh (editor), Steen Kaargaard Nielsen (editor), Iben Have (editor), 2018
Iben Have, 2023