کتاب های Igor Kriz

Dissertation on insertion-elimination Lie algebras (title unknown)
Igor Mencattini, 2005
Studies in the Methodology of Science
Igor Hanzel, 2015
Chess Opening Fundamentals
Igor Smirnov
Face Yourself. About our times
Bondar, Igor, 2015
The Brauer group of a field
Igor Rapinchuk, 2007
Dirichlet’s prime number theorem: Algebraic and analytic aspects
Igor Rapinchuk, 2006
Maximal Cohen-macaulay Modules over Non-isolated Surface Singularities and Matrix Problems
Igor Burban, Yuriy Drozd, 2017
Long-time Behavior of Second Order Evolution Equations With Nonlinear Damping
Igor Chueshov, Irena Lasiecka, 2008
On Axiomatic Approaches to Vertex Operator Algebras and Modules
Igor B. Frenkel, Yi-Zhi Huang, James Lepowsky, 1993
Broń Przeciwpancerna
Igor Witkowski, 1996
Tajne Projekty Trzeciej Rzeszy Suplement do Nowej Prawdy o Wunderwaffe
Igor Witkowski, 2012
Foliations on Surfaces
Igor Nikolaev, 2001
Mathematical Financial Economics: A Basic Introduction
Igor V. Evstigneev, Thorsten Hens, Klaus Reiner Schenk-Hoppé, 2015
The Rise of Big Spatial Data
Igor Ivan, Alex Singleton, Jiří Horák, Tomáš Inspektor(eds.), 2017
Nigel J. Kalton Selecta: Volume 1
Fritz Gesztesy, Gilles Godefroy, Loukas Grafakos, Igor Verbitsky(eds.), 2016
Optimization of Polynomials in Non-Commuting Variables
Sabine Burgdorf, Igor Klep, Janez Povh, 2016
Digital Terrain Analysis in Soil Science and Geology, Second Edition
Igor Florinsky, 2016
The Statistical Stability Phenomenon
Igor I. Gorban, 2017
Randomness and Hyper-Randomness
Igor I. Gorban, 2018
Thinking Beyond Capitalism, Conference Proceedings
Aleksandar Matković, Mark Losoncz, Igor Krtolica (eds.), 2016
The Black Sea Encyclopedia
Sergei R. Grinevetsky, Igor S. Zonn, Sergei S. Zhiltsov, Aleksey N. Kosarev, Andrey G. Kostianoy, 2014